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Romanian teachers have started using AI

Romanian teachers have started using artificial intelligence-based applications in classes. How did the students react

Image source: © Canva / Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
25.01.2024 19:49

Teachers have begun using artificial intelligence-based applications in classes. They teach students how these tools can help them, as well as the pitfalls they may hide.

They need to carefully check the content generated by artificial intelligence. On the other hand, a study by a professional association shows that only half of Romanian teachers have heard of artificial intelligence, and 10% of them trust that they can use it in lessons.

Professor Marius Lobază uses the ChatGPT application in teaching. For example, students recently had the task of finding out from the application how they can use mathematical functions in real life. Some students were already using the application, and some admitted that they had sometimes not mentioned the source.

Darius Lazăr, a student: "I save time, take ideas from there, combine them with mine, and write them on paper".

Ilinca, student: "I copied and pasted them, well... I changed some, because there were words I didn't know, and the answers were too complex".

The teacher's goal is to teach children how to use artificial intelligence applications correctly.

Marius Lobază, mathematics teacher at the Banat National College: "They should know that when they use such resources, they need to mention it; there is also the plagiarism rule here".

However, many teachers are hesitant about these digital tools. According to a study conducted by the Techsoup Association among 2,000 teachers in Romania, only 20% of teachers can precisely define what artificial intelligence means, and 10% would use it in educational activities.

Elizabeth is a teacher from the United Kingdom who teaches at a private school in Cluj-Napoca. She created a chatbot that helps students improve their writing skills. Children need to put the text in the dialogue box; the robot analyzes it and displays a list of recommendations.

Elizabeth Church, a teacher responsible for integrating new technologies into school: "At this moment, teachers are practically experimenting with AI in planning and developing teaching methods. It depends on us to teach children how to use AI ethically".

In some universities, the use of artificial intelligence has already been regulated.

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