Last Generation activists call for policy changes on flood embankments
More and more young people want to become teachers

More and more young people want to become teachers, attracted by the increased salaries and the more relaxed schedule

Image source: © Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
07.08.2024 15:48

"Being a teacher means having a stable job, many vacations, and even a decent salary!". This is what candidates for the tenure examination say, with nearly 30% more participants than in 2023.

Most admit they have suddenly turned to teaching after salaries in the public sector increased following last year's strike. With a score above 7, they can secure teaching positions in schools with an indefinite-term contract.

Exhausted, 36,000 candidates seeking stable jobs in the education system left the exam rooms after four hours.

Candidate: "It was hot, first of all. The air conditioning was barely working".

Out of nearly 10,000 vacant positions, most are for primary teachers, preschool educators and nursery staff.

Candidate: "Child-care provider. Last year I got 6.05 at the exam. I failed indeed".

In fact, there were three types of candidates at the written test of the tenure exam. First, those who failed in previous years, who have worked as substitutes and are trying again.

Candidate: "Pretty easy... going through this experience for 8 years now".

Then there are those making a career change. For example, from coach to...

Candidate: "Physical Education and Sport teacher".

Reporter: "Did you chase this position a lot?".

Candidate: "Yes".

Finally, the real breath of fresh air is this year's graduates from universities and pedagogical schools. Many with very high grades.

Candidate: "I got 9.75".

Candidate: "Since I finished high school, I thought, why not try my luck at the tenure exam?".

The future teacher believes they can live, at least month-to-month, on the nearly 4,000 lei salary as a beginner. Of course, the reduced schedule and generous vacations matter.

Reporter: "What motivated you to become a geography teacher?".

Candidate: "The system, which is very weak. Both teachers and professors don't know how to handle students".

Reporter: "And you want to bring an improvement?".

Only candidates with scores of 7 or above can become tenured. Those with scores above 5 are accepted as substitutes.

Reporter: "What score are you expecting?".

Candidate: "I hope it's above 5. I want to be pleased with the score when I receive it".

Dissatisfied that the results, expected on July 23rd, will be published under full names, several candidates have requested the Ministry of Education to keep their identities anonymous.

Their argument is that even for a janitorial job in a school, the scoring is not made public. Officials from the Ministry of Education say that the ability to handle a broom should not be confused with the level of preparation of teachers, which even parents should be aware of.​

Compared to this year, in 2023, there were 13,000 fewer candidates for the tenure exam. Half of them scored between 5 and 7.

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