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More and More Drunk and Drugged Young People behind the Wheel

War on the Road: More and More Drunk and Drugged Young People behind the Steering Wheel

Image source: © Canva / Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
25.04.2024 18:30

Every day, the law enforcement authorities catch dozens of young people who have been using the wheel after using alcohol or drugs. Unfortunately, a large number of them are caught after causing a traffic accident that has taken other person’s life.

The representatives of Gen Z are categorically against drunk driving because it endangers the lives of others; their ideas on how Bulgaria can deal with the war on the roads are: tightening measures, more tests and taking away driving licenses. Young people think that their peers dare to drive drunk and drugged because they think they can easily bribe law enforcement officials and get away with it; further, alcohol and drugs are easily accessible.

In Romania, a horrific car accident sparked a nationwide debate about drug use by young people. A 19-year-old driver hit a group of young people while they were walking. Two of them died on the spot, and three others were seriously injured. Blood tests showed that the driver had taken a cocktail of six drugs before getting behind the wheel.

After the incident, Romanian politicians proposed mass drug testing of all students, but later scaled down the proposal to testing only students who demonstrated "changed behavior."

In Lithuania, it is believed that the only weapon against drug use among young people is education. As of this school year, the "Life Skills" program has been introduced at schools, which is dedicated to the prevention of psychotropic substances. However, according to the Ministry of Education, the problem affects not only the academic environment, so other institutions should also take measures to prevent the availability of these substances and reduce the possibilities for their distribution.

Unfortunately, many young people use drugs and it can be said that the situation is out of control. Minors often do not even know what they use as the consequences of drug use can be huge for both them and those around them.

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