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School can get separate entrances for teachers and students

The Minister of Education's view on separate entrances for teachers and students: "Each school can decide"

Image source: © Canva / Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
19.01.2024 17:36

The Minister of Education, Ligia Deca, responded definitively to the National Council of Students' request for teachers to no longer have separate entrances in educational institutions.

She stated that each educational institution decides based on the particularities of the buildings.

"I believe that in terms of infrastructure in Romania, there are numerous scenarios. Some involve historical buildings with entrances directly on the sidewalk, where the sidewalk is quite narrow, leading directly onto the street. There are also schools with ample entrance spaces, where using the same flow wouldn't pose a problem. Hence, I support the idea of each school setting its own access regulations based on the conditions deemed acceptable by the community", Deca stated on January 16th in Pitești.

The Minister of Education further mentioned that, in her opinion, showing respect for the teaching staff goes beyond the issue of having a separate entrance.

"I don't believe that respect for the teaching staff is limited to a separate entrance. I believe that education should revolve around dialogue and mutual learning. I endorse the notion that each school, taking into account its construction and safety particularities – even considering evacuation plans designed for emergencies, which are influenced by factors, such as infrastructure, the nature of corridors, entrances and exits – should contemplate its access regulations. Decisions should be made based on these elements that are crucial for the safety of children, determining whether a single entrance, two entrances or more are required. I believe that this decision cannot be centralized. Instead, I promote the collaboration between teachers and students, emphasizing that it should be built on mutual respect rather than hierarchy. Depending on the construction particularities, each school should decide", Ligia Deca further stated.

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