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Why do we need vitamin D even during the summer months

Why do we need vitamin D even during the summer months? Doctors' explanations

Image source: © Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
28.08.2024 12:20

Vitamin D is needed even in summer, despite the strong sunlight. It also aids in effective healing after bone surgeries.

We obtain 90% of our vitamin D through sun exposure and only 10% from animal-based foods containing fat. In both summer and winter, vitamin D should be taken as a supplement, otherwise, it is difficult to maintain the correct dosage. At normal vitamin D levels in the blood, you will absorb 30% of the calcium present in food. In case of deficiency, less than 10% of calcium is absorbed.

Any bone-related surgical procedure requires measuring vitamin D levels in the blood. And, most likely, vitamin D supplements. This also applies to dental procedures.

Dragoș Popescu, dentist and implantologist: "In Romania, unfortunately, we have a vitamin D deficiency, and this vitamin helps in bone regeneration and healing after surgeries, not just in implantology. And if you have a fracture, it heals much better if you have optimal vitamin D levels".

For dental implants, which are titanium devices, proper osteointegration is required, meaning that the body needs to form bone around it under optimal conditions.

Mihnea Velisarato, oral surgery specialist: "If the patient does not have sufficient or good-quality bone, you cannot achieve primary stability of the implant and benefit from immediate rehabilitation. Practically, you need to wait a few months for the implant to osteointegrate. It’s similar to a fracture, where we put the arm in a cast to form a callus. With implants, the body also needs to form bone and achieve osteointegration".

If you have lost your teeth a long time ago and the bone they were in has dramatically reduced, you might not receive an immediate fixed provisional restoration.

Mihnea Velisarato, oral surgery specialist: "We move towards a classic system where we insert multiple implants, require bone grafts, sinus lifts, and do not load the implants immediately".

Before any bone-related surgery, you need a complete blood count, bleeding time, blood glucose levels and vitamin D levels.

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