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Breast cancer discovered early has a cure rate of over 98%

The importance of investigations for women. Breast cancer discovered early has a cure rate of over 98%

Image source: © Canva / Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
19.01.2024 17:20

Breast cancer can be treated if detected early. Self-examination can lead to the discovery of nodules. In this case, you should go for an ultrasound as soon as possible.

There is no need to be afraid. Over 80% of nodules are benign, meaning they are not dangerous. These investigations should be part of basic medical education. Details on Wellness doctor.

Alexandru Blidaru, specialist in oncological surgery: "The vast majority of people I treat have not undergone any investigations before the appearance of abnormal changes".

We do not have a national program for breast cancer. The only prevention for the most common type of cancer in females is a control ultrasound - once a year in the absence of any symptoms. Following the age of 40, a mammogram is performed at the time interval recommended by the doctor. Investigations do not prevent cancer from appearing, but they can show a tumor when it is a few millimeters and is treatable.

An abnormal formation in the breast involves a biopsy puncture before any surgical intervention.

Alexandru Blidaru, specialist in oncological surgery: "The idea of a biopsy puncture scares more than the surgery itself. It is believed that the disease spreads. It is not real. We need to know before surgery what we are operating. Yes, a biopsy puncture is recommended".

If the biopsy shows an aggressive type of cancer, even if the tumor is not large, the patient needs systemic therapy, chemotherapy, before surgery. Cancer means over 100 diseases with different progressions.

Alexandru Blidaru, specialist in oncological surgery: "There are tumors that need specific treatment, and there are drugs with fantastic efficiency. In nearly half of the instances, the tumor vanishes. However, the remarkable success of the medical oncologist, which is truly extraordinary, results in the patient undergoing surgery without the surgeon being aware of what to operate. Then there are clips that are inserted into the tumor before the start of treatment".

The tumor is marked before chemotherapy. The marking is visible on mammography. During the operation, an X-ray of the metallic piece is taken. This enables accurate surgical intervention.

Breast cancer discovered early, with the correct treatment, has a cure rate of over 98%.

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