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The unexpected effect of drinking a glass of water

The unexpected effect of drinking a glass of water on an empty stomach. Not even the most powerful energizer can have this effect

Image source: © Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
18.10.2023 08:00

Insufficient water intake in a day. We're talking about one of the types of stress. Repeating this behavior can lead to anxiety symptoms. We will explain.

We all want to be smarter. Every day, we try to achieve this, with the help of our morning coffee. Or of the energy drinks we consume during the day. But they don't help the brain.

In the morning. The brain starts when the liver tells it to. An expert in biochemistry explains:

Prof. Dr. Ștefan Voicu, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology: "Water consumed on an empty stomach is what we call the key to starting the liver; it activates reactions, and based on those reactions, a large amount of glycogen, meaning the glucose stored as deposits, sugar, is released and sent to the brain. This glycogen serves as the primary source of fuel for the entire brain. All of its functioning depends on oxygen and the glycogen stored as deposits in the liver".

Lack of an optimal water intake leads to depression

Coffee. Green tea. Both only activate certain parts of the brain. The brain is more tired after consumption.

What happens if you forget to drink water? Or soup. Fruit juices, soft drinks, coffee and alcohol do not contribute to hydration. Without water, the heart beats faster. As if we were scared.

Prof. Dr. Ștefan Voicu, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology: "The lack of an optimal water intake leads to anxiety and the anxiety generated by dehydration can lead to depression; there are new studies in this regard. It is a very significant stress for the body. The lack of water is a major stress".

A small glass per hour. It is enough.

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