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How was the most depressing day of the year chosen

Blue Monday 2024. How was the most depressing day of the year chosen - January 15

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Materiały Prasowe,
14.01.2024 08:20

Blue Monday, or "Sad Monday", is the name given to the Monday of the third week of January, considered the most depressing day of the year. Young people from Generation Z, emotionally fragile, strongly feel its impact.

Here's what "Blue Monday" actually means and how this day came about.

Blue Monday 2024 - the history of the most depressing day

Winter months always represent a challenging period for those affected by mental health issues (with a high percentage in Generation Z), conditions like Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) becoming more visible as various signs of the winter season emerge, such as shorter days, cold weather and financial concerns stemming from the December gift-giving period. These factors can significantly exacerbate the mental health issues of individuals experiencing these symptoms.

Blue Monday is a term created to describe the Monday of the last full week of January, meaning the third Monday of that month. This day is often referred to as the saddest day of the year. The concept was developed by psychologist Cliff Arnall.

In 2005, the British television channel Sky Travel picked up this news and presented it in the media as a scientific concept to encourage people to make travel purchases. However, the Blue Monday concept faced harsh criticism from the scientific community, and even Cliff Arnall distanced himself from his own theory, according to

The date of Blue Monday was established based on a formula that took into account several factors, such as the level of financial debt that many people have in January, the financial pressure felt during this period, the unfavorable weather conditions characterizing January, the time passed since the Christmas and New Year holidays when enthusiasm fades and disappointment can set in, the pressure to take action and make changes in personal life, and the low level of motivation that many people experience when setting resolutions.

It is important to mention that this formula is not scientifically accepted, not clinically recognized, and there is no scientific evidence supporting the idea that there is a specific day considered the "most depressing" of the year.

However, winter months can be challenging for many people due to shorter days, weaker sunlight and unrealistic expectations regarding winter holidays that can affect our emotional state.

Mental health is a complex issue, and there is no single day or simple event that can cause a group of people to experience a depressive episode. Depression is caused by a combination of factors, and there is no specific cause.

Activities to improve your day

There are numerous ways to improve your mental and emotional well-being, especially during the colder seasons when you feel down. A crucial first step is to play a sport or exercise regularly. Studies have shown that physical exercise releases endorphins in the brain, chemicals that act as antidepressants and contribute to alleviating symptoms of depression.

In addition to physical activity, nutrition plays an important role in combating depression and improving mental well-being. A balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, as well as Omega-3 fatty acids, folate and proteins, can have a positive impact on your mood and energy levels. Foods like fish, nuts, seeds, leafy green vegetables and beans can be included in your diet to support your mental health.

Ensuring an adequate amount of sleep is another crucial factor in maintaining mental well-being. Studies show that sleep plays a vital role in regulating hormone release in the body, including those linked to our mood. The recommendation from specialists is to sleep between 7 and 9 hours per night, helping reduce anxiety and stress, improving cognitive functions and energy levels.

Social relationships and communication with loved ones are equally important for our mental well-being. As social beings, we require social connections to experience well-being and prevent feelings of isolation. Spending quality time with family and friends can create a sense of belonging and provide emotional support, writes

Walking is another beneficial activity for mental well-being. A study has shown that regular walks can reduce symptoms of depression and improve overall well-being. Additionally, walking can stimulate creativity and attention.

Identifying and engaging in enjoyable activities can also contribute to improving our mood. Reflect on activities that brought you joy in the past and try to include them in your daily routine or rediscover them.

Keeping a gratitude journal can have a positive impact on mental well-being. You should be specific in expressing gratitude and focus on people and details. Another aspect to consider is the frequency of the notes you make in your gratitude journal. Studies have shown that people who write in a gratitude journal at least once but no more than three times a week have presented significant benefits to their well-being.

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