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Depression, the third leading cause of death among adolescents

Depression, the third leading cause of death among adolescents. Initial medical assistance can be provided by the family doctor

Image source: © Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
11.10.2023 15:15

Depression can affect teenagers' health. Undiagnosed and untreated, it leads to suicide, the third leading cause of death among those aged 15 to 19.

Parents are encouraged to seek help from the family doctor for an evaluation through the national depression screening program. They can enroll their children for free psychological counseling.

Approximately 7% of children aged 3 to 17 suffer from anxiety, and 3% deal with depression, according to doctors. Some parents may think their children are just shy and do not pay much attention. Half of these issues arise during puberty and often go undiagnosed. In some cases, these problems lead to alcohol and drug use, and even suicide. Parents can recognize certain signs in their children's behavior.

Dr. Gabriel Gorun: "The child's withdrawal, limited interaction with family members or the old group of friends, who may notice this change in behavior. Another clue is the explicit request for periods of isolation".

Social integration, discrimination, peer pressure and quality of life are important factors that can cause stress for children and adolescents.

Starting from the age of 10 up to 17, teenagers can benefit from depression screening. This is done at the family doctor's office and is essentially a questionnaire with two questions.

1. Have you lost interest or pleasure in your usual activities in the last month? || YES || NO

2. Have you felt sad, demoralized or helpless in the last month? || YES || NO.

If the family doctor detects depression and cannot manage the situation, they refer the patient to a psychiatrist. The psychiatrist can provide psychotherapy sessions or issue a medical letter for a psychologist. Counseling should be free.

On the other hand, psychotherapy sessions can be provided through the program entitled "Caring for Children" ("Din grijă pentru copii'').

Mădălina Turza, the program's initiator: "Sometimes medication is needed, but a regular sleep program, physical exercise and a balanced diet can also improve the mood of teenagers".

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