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Auditory nerve deficiencies frequently occur among young people

Auditory nerve deficiencies frequently occur among young people who wear headphones. Explanations from the specialist doctor

Image source: © Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
08.11.2023 12:03

Those who engage in conversation, but do not understand it perfectly may suffer from an auditory nerve deficiency. It frequently occurs in young people who wear headphones, some for more than ten hours a day. Explanations, right now, on "Wellness doctor".


They hear, but do not understand perfectly when talking to someone. It is called conversation frequency. And it indicates damage to the auditory nerve.

Prof. Dr. Codruț Sarafoleanu, an ENT specialist: "The patient notices that conversation frequencies are affected, because they cannot hear the TV. During a conversation, they start to experience hearing difficulties. It is about what we understand through a conversation; many patients hear noises, but cannot understand".

These auditory deficiencies are frequently observed in young people and result from wearing headphones almost permanently. Headphones do not immediately destroy the auditory nerve, but rather its sensors.

Prof. Dr. Codruț Sarafoleanu, an ENT specialist: "They wear headphones permanently, with many decibels. This destroys the sensors in the inner ear and in the auditory nerve. It is a long process, but through repetitiveness, it leads to irreversible damage".

Once the auditory nerve is destroyed, it cannot be treated. When you no longer understand the conversation, the auditory nerve already needs a hearing aid to help your brain understand.

Invisible hearing aids are available.

Ionuț Ștefănescu, audiologist: "I wear a hearing aid on my right ear, which is rechargeable, and I no longer have to worry about batteries. It connects to the phone and it can work with a remote control; it's a gadget I can play with".

Hearing aids are covered by the National Health Insurance House in Romania.

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