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How ragweed allergy develops. Doctors' explanations

How ragweed allergy develops. Doctors' explanations

Image source: © Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
26.09.2023 15:09

Exposure to large amounts of ragweed increases the risk of pollen sensitization. On the other hand, even a common viral infection can have an influence.

This means that there are reactions to ragweed in people who didn't know they were allergic. Explanations on Wellness doctor.

Veronica Lazăr, immunology professor: "It has been proven that the body becomes sensitized more easily after a viral infection of the respiratory mucosa, for example. It can easily become sensitized to certain environmental substance. Even to pollen".

Once sensitized, the body produces a large amount of antibodies called immunoglobulin E. These antibodies attach to the surface of two types of immune cells, and with any subsequent exposure to pollen, an allergic reaction occurs. Blood vessels dilate, smooth muscles contract. That's why the nose feels stuffy.

Curative treatment means standardized doses of ragweed pollen. These will cause the immune system not to overreact when it senses pollen.

Carmen Bunu Panaitescu, primary allergist: "Allergen immunotherapy is the only therapy that can change the course of the disease because it changes the patient's immune response, that is, from an allergic patient, it turns him into a patient with tolerance to the allergen, especially ragweed. How does it achieve this goal? The patient starts to produce good antibodies, the so-called IgG. Cells that offer protection and a normal immune response appear. We, through this immunotherapy, reverse the immune response and teach other immune cells to produce good antibodies, protectors. IgG goes into circulation and captures the allergen. Immunotherapy develops tolerance to the allergen for which the therapy is targeted, but also to other allergens and sometimes to infections, because it restores a correct immune response".

Immunotherapy spans over three years. Medications are not covered by Health Insurance in Romania.

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