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A 23-year-old student helps other students learn mathematic

A 23-year-old student helps other students learn mathematics for free. The lessons take place outdoors. "It's the love of my life"

Image source: © Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
16.02.2024 16:07

A 23-year-old student, passionate about mathematics, teaches middle and high school students for free. The lessons take place outdoors, in the courtyard of the medieval citadel in Târgu Mureș.

The student, an occasional teacher, says he wants to reveal the secrets of mathematics, which he calls "the love of his life", to the younger students.

At an age when others think more about having fun, David spends his free time helping middle and high school students unravel the mysteries of mathematics.

Mădălin, student: "I learn easier; in class, there's more noise, and we take turns at the board, but with David, I work exclusively with him".

Student: "It's easy because he shows me methods that are easier than those taught in class. I feel better, because at school we have five hours per week, and now with David, I'm working for the mathematics Olympiad that will be on February 17, and we work around 2-4 hours per day".

David Baratoși, student: "Mathematics is the love of my life, and I want to share it with other children, to show them how beautiful mathematics can be because I studied it not only scientifically, but also philosophically, historically and culturally. I want to somehow make things more available, more direct for more children at once, and I saw that many children cannot afford to pay for private tutoring sessions. I want this activity to be as informal as possible, to be pleasant mathematics taught outdoors, in nature, to give examples from nature".

Tutoring can be expensive, and not everyone can afford it, so for some, free lessons are a godsend.

Student: "I struggled with math, almost failing. David assisted me; we tackled numerous assignments, and I eventually enrolled in a prestigious high school. I take pride in my achievements and David is truly an outstanding person".

Bența Ion, parent: "I'm not into math; I am not good at math, I look at it like the multiplication table. Who knows nowadays how difficult the math problems are; when we were students 30 years ago, it was different".

David's passion came from his mother, a mathematics teacher.

Grădinaru Camelia, David's mother: "I nurtured his interest in mathematics since he was four, using logic games, constructions, and showing how mathematics applies to everything around us. I am immensely proud of his involvement in society".

Baratoși Iosif, David's father: "It's his idea. I hope many will consider this idea, teaching for free those in need".

The young student emphasizes that mathematics proves beneficial in life, irrespective of the professional path one decides to follow.

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