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How to Learn a New Language: The Best Tricks for It

How to Learn a New Language: The Best Tricks for It

Image source: © Canva / Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
12.03.2024 12:00

They say that children learn languages ​​best. But it doesn't mean adults should give up.

Here are some of the best tricks for learning a new language, especially if you will be traveling in Europe this summer:

1. Be realistic. Set a simple and achievable goal to start with so you won’t feel overwhelmed.

2.Turn language learning into a lifestyle change. Find a language habit that you can follow even when you are tired, sick, or madly in love.

3. Play with language at home. The more you invite the foreign language into your daily life, the more your brain will consider it something useful and worthy of attention. Label every object in your home in the target language, read children's books written in it, or narrate parts of your day to an imaginary foreign friend.

4. Let technology help you. As Gen Zers, technology has come full force into our daily lives and offers us fun things like resetting our phone's language that can help us learn new words instantly. The same applies to changing the language of our browser.

5. Think of language learning as a gateway to new experiences. In other words, think of fun things you want to do anyway and turn them into an opportunity to learn the language. So, next time you need a carrot cake recipe, find one in the language you are trying to learn.

6. Make new friends. Interacting with the new language is cery important - it will teach you to express your thoughts intuitively instead of mentally translating each sentence before you say it.

7. Don't worry about making mistakes. One of the most common obstacles to speaking a new language is the fear of making mistakes. But native speakers are like caring parents: every attempt you make to communicate in their language is objective proof that you are a gifted genius. They will appreciate your efforts and even help you.

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