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 3 Tricks To Learn and Remember Things Super Easily

3 Tricks To Learn and Remember Things Super Easily

Image source: © Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
18.09.2023 15:01

It may seem strange to you, but there is also a strategy in learning. If you are a pupil or a student, you should have exerted a lot of efforts in preparing for the next exam, but the results were not satisfactory.

Everyone would like to achieve the desired results with as little effort as possible. And it is absolutely achievable. It is the strategic plan and the intensive but shorter sessions that can give a result which you cannot achieve by hanging over textbooks all day.

Know how your memory works

Everyone has tried to memorize the exam prospectus the night before the exam itself, but research shows that in such cases we either manage to remember about half the information or forget it all. In this case, it is very important for you to understand what kind of memory you have The types of memory are: long-term memory (storage memory) and short-term memory (temporary memory). Repetitions at intervals can help you retain information for longer time. The purpose of this method is to recall what you have learned. Another helpful way is to take notes.

Do not Procrastinate!

You have probably heard the saying: procrastination is the killer of success! There are people who put off their assignments until the very deadline, and this definitely leads to poor exam results. Everyone can discover their own methods by which they can overcome this negative habit.

Study effectively at home at the most suitable time

The main part of self-learning takes place at home. Therefore, it is important to identify the most suitable time for this. Some prefer to study hard early in the morning, while others late at night. Adjust your schedule to this fact. Make time for your family and friends. Having fun is just as important as learning. Sleep at least seven hours a day. Your brain rests in this way and you will remember longer.


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