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Outrage and confusion after the National Mock Exam

Outrage and confusion after the National Mock Exam. Parents claim students who don't take private tutoring have no chance of passing

Image source: © Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
09.02.2024 15:30

The National Eighth Grade Mock Exam is causing outrage among parents who cannot afford private tutoring for their children.

Many criticize educational authorities for shifting from easy topics, intended for universal student success, to intricate exercises comparable to PISA tests, all without enhancing the quality of teaching.

Dozens of teachers correcting the papers state that this year, grades are lower than in previous years, in both Romanian language and mathematics.

In the commune of Lețcani, Iași county, poverty eliminates children's chances of private tutoring. The mock exam, with exercises beyond the students' current knowledge, serves as a harsh awakening to reality.

Student: "I'm not that good at these subjects..."

Reporter: What are you least sure about?

Student: "Mathematics".

Reporter: Do you need tutoring?

Student: "A lot of tutoring".

"It's a necessity, I believe. I really want to pass the exam, and I want to work more", says another student.

The Minister of Education says he aimed to eliminate the "inflation" of high grades in the National Evaluation of previous years. However, some teachers argue that the minister succeeded in separating children from good schools who take private lessons from those who cannot afford it.

Andreia Boldea, director of the I.L. Caragiale College: "They don't have equal chances with this exam. I was talking to a colleague teaching Romanian language who has already corrected 40 papers. There are only two papers above 7. The rest are 4, 5... It is evident that there hasn't been much effort. And when I say 'effort,' I don't necessarily refer to the children!"

One of the criticisms that authors of PISA tests have brought to Education officials is the lack of a clear and objective mechanism for evaluating teachers' performance, given that students are periodically tested.

Minister Deca acknowledges that the only option is the so-called merit gradation. 2% of the salary fund of each school is available to the director for recognizing teachers with outstanding merits. In fact, these funds, awarded annually, rotate among all members of the teaching staff so that no one is displeased.

Iulian Cristache, president of the Federation of Parents' Associations: "We want to have a new approach, but the teaching and learning in the classroom do not follow this trend. There is a problem with understanding the text, with expression. This is happening in everyday life".

Parents advocate for the removal of teachers from the education system if they consistently skip classes and demonstrate no positive outcomes.

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