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How much time do students have to complete the exam

Baccalaureate 2024: How much time do students have to complete the exam

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Materiały Prasowe,
01.07.2024 16:19

The written exams for the 2024 Baccalaureate start on July 1, with the Romanian Language and Literature test. Students and parents need to know the rules in the exam rooms and how much time is allocated to solve the exam topics.

How much time do students have to complete the exam

Before distributing the exam papers, the invigilators will explain the procedure and how to fill in personal information on the standardized sheets. It is important not to write your name on the sheets outside the sealed section, as the work can be canceled for any distinctive marks.

After the distribution of the exam papers, entry into the room is no longer allowed. The time allocated for writing a paper is three hours, starting from the completion of the distribution of papers to each candidate. Students can leave the room no earlier than one and a half hours, provided they submit their paper and sign the submission form.

For writing the papers, only blue ink or pen is used, and for diagrams and drawings, only a black pencil. In subjects such as "Mathematics" and "Geography," the use of drawing tools is allowed.

For correcting mistakes, each line in the incorrect passage should be crossed out with a horizontal line.

Students eliminated from an exam for fraud or attempted fraud will not be allowed to participate in the next two sessions of the Baccalaureate exam, according to the mentioned guide.

What does the Ministry of Education guide stipulates

Baccalaureate candidates will sit one per desk, in alphabetical order, according to the lists posted on the notice board or on the exam room door. Each student will receive a standardized sheet on which they must write their surname in capital letters, their father's first name, all personal first names in the order they appear on the identity document, as well as other details on the corner of the sheet that will be sealed.

Students are not allowed to bring backpacks, bags, handbags, textbooks, books, dictionaries, collections, forms, memorandums, notes, summaries, drafts, other students' work, mobile phones, audio headsets, or any electronic computing or communication devices to the exam. These items must be left in a room specially designated by the Baccalaureate commission. Students who refuse to leave their items in the designated room will not be allowed to take the exam.

Candidates who enter the exam room with unauthorized materials are eliminated from the exam, regardless of whether they used them or not. Those eliminated for fraud or attempted fraud can no longer participate in the following tests and their previous exam scores are not recognized. These candidates are considered to have failed the Baccalaureate and cannot participate in the next two sessions of the exam, having to retake the entire Baccalaureate exam in the third session after their elimination, according to Edupedu.ro.

After the distribution of exam papers, access to the exam room is no longer allowed. Students are not allowed to communicate with each other, copy, pass materials to other candidates, or exchange sheets or drafts. Candidates can leave the room no earlier than one and a half hours after the exam starts, only if they submit their paper and sign the submission form. In exceptional cases, if they feel unwell, candidates may temporarily leave the room, accompanied by an invigilating teacher, but the time for solving the exam topics is not extended.

Students have three hours to solve the exam topics. For writing, only blue ink or pen is used, and for diagrams and drawings, only a black pencil. In Mathematics and Geography exams, drawing tools are permitted. The paper used is only that distributed by the invigilating teachers. For correcting mistakes, each incorrect line must be crossed out with a horizontal line. After the three hours have expired, candidates submit their paper in the state it is in, without exceeding the established time. Three students remain in the exam room until the last paper is submitted.

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