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How much does an online simulation of the Baccalaureate exam cos

How much does an online simulation of the Baccalaureate exam cost for high school graduates?

Image source: © Licencjodawca
Materiały Prasowe,
13.06.2024 12:51

"Whatever we didn't learn in four years of high school, we're catching up on now, in a few days!". This is what some overconfident high school students say, who will take the Baccalaureate next week.

On June 17th, over 160,000 graduates are expected at the first oral exam, Romanian Language. Some students are content with whatever they catch in class, if teachers call them in for quick revision sessions. Others are pushing hard with paid tutoring and simulations on online platforms. They already have their high school diploma, but they still haven't escaped studying.

Student: "We wake up, do homework, go to high school, do prep, leave high school for tutoring, go home, do homework. It is worse than school".

Do you know how a pig is fattened before Christmas? On farms, with yeast in the feed. In school, before exams, with classroom prep. Even though the school year has ended for those in the final years, those who were lucky enough to have dedicated teachers are called in for free revision sessions. But at most, half of the graduates from former classes show up. The rest rely on private tutoring or exercises in apps that require paid access.

Student: "I installed an app the other day for the Romanian exam, I've learned 6-7 commentaries out of 16 so far. We haven't escaped, and I don't think we will for the next 20 years (from commentaries). I think I can easily get an eight".

It's a high hope, say Romanian teachers. Commentaries have become a crutch for those who fear texts at first sight and these are scored lower than a personal interpretation. Moreover, essays that relate to young people's experiences are required. Because the topics for most subjects keep pace with the times—at least theoretically.

In some high schools, all candidates, regardless of teacher, have been called for the final rehearsal before the Baccalaureate exam. This cannot compensate for the lack of individual effort.

Student: "I'm also taking the biology admission exam and I master it best".

Reporter: "But Romanian, math?".

Student: "I'm studying...".

Reporter: "Have you practiced the oral presentation with a friend?".

Student: "No, but I plan to".

Student: "I haven't focused on that".

Reporter: "The oral exams?".

Student: "Yes".

Student: "I've seen the models published by the Ministry of Health...".

Reporter: "Do you mean by the Ministry of Education?".

Student: "Yes, and the teacher also gave us some models".

It's practically the last chance to learn the missed material over the four years.

Student: "I'm cramming it all in the last few weeks before the exam".

It's also the last chance for college students or graduates to earn some extra money, with the lowest rates—between 30 and 50 lei per hour.

And teachers associated with educational platforms now have promotional rates—120 lei per session. A simulation of the exam, with three-hour online work, costs 90 lei.

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