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no one has failed the Baccalaureate exam for 14 years

The high school in Romania where no one has failed the Baccalaureate exam for 14 years

Image source: © Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
08.07.2024 17:15

All 119 graduates of the "Mihai Viteazul" National Military College in Alba Iulia passed the Baccalaureate exam, most with averages above 9.00, marking the 14th consecutive year with a 100% pass rate.

"The 'Mihai Viteazul' National Military College in Alba Iulia confirms once again this year that it is a school of high performance, thanks to the results achieved by the 12th-grade graduates on the Baccalaureate. For 14 years, the pass rate for the national exam has been 100%, with all graduates managing to pass the 'maturity exam'. This year, 70 of them managed to achieve averages above 9.00, and there were also 21 perfect scores in the subjects: physics - 14, mathematics - 6, and Romanian language and literature - one perfect score", representatives of the educational institution announced Monday on their Facebook page.

The highest average recorded this year in the Baccalaureate exam was 9.85, and the lowest, the only one below 7.00, was 6.86.

The graduates followed courses specific to the mathematics-informatics specialization.

Since 2010, all students of the military educational institution in Alba Iulia have passed the summer session of the Baccalaureate exam.

The "Mihai Viteazul" National Military College in Alba Iulia is the successor of the "Mihai Viteazul" Military High School, founded in 1919 in Târgu-Mureş, where it operated until 1940 when it was moved to Timișoara. In 1947, it ceased its activities along with other military high schools in the country. It was reopened in 1975 in the Alba Iulia garrison under the name "Mihai Viteazul" Military High School.

It holds several titles of "European School".

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