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Results of the 2024 Baccalaureate exam published

Results of the 2024 Baccalaureate exam published. Which county recorded the lowest pass rate

Image source: © Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
08.07.2024 14:26

The lowest pass rate for the 2024 Baccalaureate exam was recorded in Ilfov County, with 61.3%, announced the Minister of Education, Ligia Deca, on Monday.

Following Ilfov in this ranking are Harghita with 63.5%, Giurgiu with 67%, Mehedinți with 68.6%, and Teleorman with 69.3%.

On the opposite end, the highest pass rate for candidates of the 2024 Baccalaureate exam was recorded in Cluj County with 88.9%, Galați with 88.5%, Brăila with 87.5%, Bacău with 87.9%, and Brașov with 87.4%.

Only 39 candidates achieved a perfect score of 10.

"For the current promotion, 116,689 candidates were present out of the 119,042 registered for the exams. Regarding the results, for all candidates, including those from previous series, the pass rate is 76.4% compared to 72.8% in 2023 and 73.3% in 2022.

For the current series, the pass rate before appeals is 81.5% compared to 78.4% in 2023 and 78.3% in 2022.

By pathways, the pass rate for the current series is as follows:

- for the theoretical pathway: 90.7%

- for the technological pathway: 63.3%

- for the vocational pathway: 77.3%

Among the candidates from the current promotion who passed the Baccalaureate exam, achieving an average score above six, the majority are in the 8-8.99 range, which is 32.77%.

29.9% scored between 9 and 10, 23.78% scored between 7 and 7.99, and 13.5% scored between 6 and 6.99.

39 candidates achieved a perfect score of 10. 11.57% of the rejected candidates had averages between 5 and 5.99"- announced the Minister of Education, Ligia Deca.

Nearly 14,000 assistant teachers, over 10,000 evaluating teachers, and approximately 5,000 members of the exam and regional evaluation committees were involved in organizing and conducting the 2024 Baccalaureate exam.

Regarding candidate attendance for this Baccalaureate exam, over 130,000 candidates were present out of more than 134,000 registered.

"We remind you that in order to pass the exam, a high school graduate must cumulatively meet the following conditions: take the linguistic and digital competence assessment tests, take all written tests and obtain at least a score of five in each of them, and achieve an overall average of at least six in the written tests." the minister added.

What to do if you didn't pass the 2024 BAC exam

"For those who did not pass after the final results are published, they can retake the Baccalaureate exam in the subsequent sessions, including the autumn session this year. If they were not expelled from the exam, they have the option to request recognition of the passed tests and only retake the ones they failed.

Candidates who were expelled cannot register for the Baccalaureate exam in the next two sessions. This refers to cases of fraud.

The autumn session this year will begin on August 8 with the evaluation of oral communication skills in the Romanian language.

The written tests will take place between August 19 and 22. Candidate registration for the autumn Baccalaureate will occur between July 15 and 22." - the Minister of Education also stated.

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