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Over 134,000 candidates are expected to take the "maturity exam"

Baccalaureate 2024. Over 134,000 candidates are expected to take the "maturity exam"

Image source: © Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
01.07.2024 16:20

On Monday (July 1), the Baccalaureate exam begins, with over 134,000 candidates expected to attend.

The first exam is in Romanian language and literature, so in the final stretch, students have been reviewing grammar and major literary works.

The Baccalaureate exam takes place between July 1 and July 5. The first test, Romanian language and literature, starts at 9:00 AM, but students will be allowed to enter the rooms until 8:30 AM.

According to the Ministry of Education, over 134,000 high school students will experience the thrills of the Baccalaureate exam in this session. These are the ones who registered, but in reality, their number should be much higher. However, 60,000 students from this generation dropped out of school along the way.

Results will be posted on July 8

The following exams are scheduled for Tuesday, July 2, in Mathematics or History, then on July 4, the elective test for the specific profile, and finally, on July 5, where applicable, the test in the native language and literature. The results will be posted on July 8.

The Baccalaureate, or the "maturity exam," is experienced with intense emotions by high school graduates. Depending on their grades, they might secure a better spot, possibly a tuition-free one, at their desired universities.

Even Nicușor Stanciu, the captain of the national football team, has encouraged high school students preparing for the Baccalaureate.

Nicușor Stanciu, the captain of the national football team: "For some of our young supporters, the most important exam so far, the Baccalaureate, is coming up. We wish you great success, be inspired, and achieve the highest possible scores."

During the exams, all examination rooms will be monitored with audio and video surveillance.

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