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graduates without a Baccalaureate diploma can attend trade schoo

High school graduates without a Baccalaureate diploma can attend trade schools within universities. What trades can they learn?

Image source: © Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
23.10.2023 17:35

High school graduates who have not passed the Baccalaureate exam can now study at the university within trade schools where they learn a trade in the food industry, agriculture and other fields on the job market.

In recent years, the number of individuals realizing the need for a qualification has increased. In addition to theoretical knowledge, students also undertake practical internships at various companies.

At the University of Life Sciences from Timișoara, three vocational classes at the so-called tertiary colleges, with a total of 81 students, have been established this year. Students can become technicians in quality control for agri-food products, bakery products, as well as meat and dairy processing. These courses last a maximum of two years.

Anca Chelciov, a student at the trade school: "The high school from which I graduated didn't offer this vocational program, which is why I chose to enroll here".

Reporter: Why did you choose this specialization?

Anca Chelciov, a student at the trade school: "To learn a trade".

Cătălin completed university and started a food truck business. He realized that to create excellent dishes, he needed to study meat processing.

Cătălin Zoican, a student at the trade school: "I have access to information provided by professors specialized in exactly what I need. They assist me in delivering a higher-quality product to the market in contrast to those who lack interest".

Nationwide, there are 18 universities that provide such qualifications. The students are usually graduates of theoretical high schools who cannot attend regular university courses because they have not passed the Baccalaureate exam.

Cristina Tulbure, a teacher at the USV Tertiary College in Timișoara: "The labor market is witnessing significant demand, and research indicates that the food industry in the western region of the country has the most substantial need for qualified professionals".

Corina Mișcă, director of the USV Tertiary College in Timișoara: "Currently, all available places are state-funded".

The University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Cluj-Napoca similarly operates a tertiary college and provides 28 available places for the forestry technician specialization.

Alexandru Colișar, director of the USAMV Tertiary College in Cluj-Napoca: "There are students who have completed their high school studies, but haven't passed the Baccalaureate exam. If they want to find a job, they need that diploma".

At these trade schools within universities, candidates are admitted based on their high school grade point average.

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