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Counties with the most scores above 5

Counties with the most scores above 5 in the 2024 National Evaluation. The Brăila phenomenon continues in 2024

Image source: © Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
05.07.2024 16:16

The results of the 2024 National Evaluation were published on Wednesday, July 3rd, on the site evaluare.edu.ro. In Bucharest and two other counties, over 80% of students achieved scores above 5.

According to the data centralized by the Ministry of Education, the percentage of scores above 5 at the national level was 74.4%. The Municipality of Bucharest and two other counties had over 80% of students with passing scores.

The percentage of scores above 5 in Bucharest was 88.3%, the highest in the entire country. The second place goes to Cluj County, where 85.9% of students managed to score above 5, followed by Brăila County, where 80.3% of those who took the exam obtained scores above 5.

At the opposite end of the spectrum are the counties of Vaslui, with a percentage of 59.8% scores above 5, followed by Călărași - 60.5%, and Caraș-Severin - 63.8%. Other counties where the percentage of those who managed to get a "passing" score did not reach 70% are: Mehedinți – 63.9%, Teleorman – 64.8%, Tulcea – 64.6%, Botoșani – 65.3%, Ialomița – 66.2%, Vrancea – 66.6%, Dâmbovița – 68.2%, Olt and Neamț – 68.4%, Mureș – 68.6%, Arad – 69.5% and Sălaj – 69.8%.

Scores of 10 by county

At the 2024 National Evaluation, there were the fewest perfect scores (10s) in the last 10 years – 65 across the entire country. Among these, the most were in Bucharest – 28, followed by Iași County – 7, Cluj – 6 and Argeș – 3. Other perfect scores were in Bihor, Hunedoara, Dolj, Olt, Constanța and Bacău with 2 each, and in Satu Mare, Timiș, Vâlcea, Sibiu, Giurgiu, Dâmbovița, Prahova, Buzău and Galați with 1 each.

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