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When the results will be posted and how long the appeal period

Baccalaureate 2024. When the results will be posted and how long the appeal period lasts

Image source: © Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
08.07.2024 12:45

The 2024 Baccalaureate exam will begin with the evaluation of competencies between June 17 and 27, with the written exams taking place between July 1 and 5. Here is when appeals can be filed and when the final results will be published.

For the first time, high school graduates have a day off between the mandatory profile test (Mathematics or History on July 2) and the elective test based on the profile (on July 4) in the summer session. This day off, proposed by the Parents' Federation, was not included in the initial calendar of the Ministry of Education, according to Edupedu.ro.

2024 National Baccalaureate Exam Calendar, June – July 2024 session

· June 3-7, 2024: Registration of candidates for the first exam session

· June 7, 2024: End of classes for twelfth/thirteenth grade

· June 17 – 19, 2024: Evaluation of oral communication skills in the Romanian language – test A 

· June 19 – 20, 2024: Evaluation of oral communication skills in the mother tongue – test B 

· June 19 – 21, 2024: Evaluation of digital skills – test D 

· June 25 – 27, 2024: Evaluation of linguistic skills in an international language – test C 

· July 1, 2024: Romanian language and literature – test E.a) – written test

· July 2, 2024: Profile-specific mandatory test – test E.c) – written test

· July 4, 2024: Profile and specialization elective test – test E.d) – written test

· July 5, 2024: Mother tongue and literature – test E.b) – written test

· July 8, 2024: Posting of written test results by 12:00 PM and filing of appeals between 12:00 PM and 6:00 PM

· July 9-11, 2024: Resolution of appeals

· July 12, 2024: Posting of final results.

How to proceed with appeals

On the day the initial results are posted, July 8, 2024, students dissatisfied with their grades can file appeals between 12:00 PM and 6:00 PM.

Their papers will be re-evaluated between July 9 and 11, and the final results will be posted on July 12, 2024.

To pass the Baccalaureate exam, a student must meet the following conditions:

· Have all language and digital skill tests equated or recognized.

· Take all written tests and obtain a minimum grade of 5 in each.

· Obtain an overall average of at least 6 in the written tests.

Appeals can be submitted at the exam center or sent by email to contestatiibacspecial2024@gmail.com.

Candidates submitting appeals must complete and sign the standard form. Appeals sent electronically must be accompanied by a copy of the identity document and a phone number for confirmation.

The contested paper will be re-evaluated by another examination committee, composed of specialist teachers from outside the exam center where the test was taken. The grade awarded after re-evaluation can be higher, lower or equal to the initial grade.

The final grade for the respective test will be the higher of the initial grade and the grade obtained after re-evaluation.

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