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20 more perfect scores after appeals in the 2024 BAC exam

20 more perfect scores after appeals in the 2024 BAC exam

Image source: © Canva / Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
15.07.2024 16:37

The number of students who scored a perfect 10 on the Bacalaureate exam increased by 20 compared to the initial results published on July 8. Thus, after appeals, 58 candidates achieved the maximum score.

The results from the 2024 BAC exam appeals show an increase of 20 perfect scores. Most of these are from Bistrița Năsăud County. After the appeals, this Transylvanian county reached the top position in the country for the number of perfect scores – 5, compared to just one in the initial results.

Additionally, in Bucharest, the number of perfect scores increased from 13 to 16, with one perfect score each in sectors 1, 5, and 3.

Other counties where the number of perfect scores increased include Cluj – with 2 more perfect scores, Gorj, where initially no one scored perfect in all subjects, but after the appeals, there are now two such students, and Prahova, where initially there was one perfect score, and after the appeals, there are three of them.

Even with the additional 20 perfect scores, 2024 remains the year with the fewest perfect scores since 2007. 

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