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Why do we need to use sunscreen when we have a cold?

Why do we need to use sunscreen when we have a cold? Rules to follow

Image source: © Canva / Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
20.03.2024 14:33

When using anti-inflammatory medications, it's essential to apply sunscreen as well. Similarly, when undergoing cold treatments, it's advisable to use sunscreen.

This occurs because you'll be more prone to attracting ultraviolet rays, leading to what is known as a photo-toxic reaction.

Fever, runny nose, sore throat. The unpleasant symptoms can be treated with so-called symptomatic medications. Let's take ibuprofen as an example.

Dr. Andreea Merticariu, dermatologist: "There is a risk of developing phototoxicity if the patient receives a dose of ultraviolet rays during the administration. We get burned. Phototoxicity means faster burns under conditions that the patient is not aware of".

A cold treated with symptomatic medications increases skin fragility. Blood vessels dilate. The skin attracts more ultraviolet rays. For this reason, when treating yourself, protect your skin with SPF 50+ sunscreen creams.

Symptomatic medications are administered with strict rules.

Dr. Steluța Boroghină, primary care pediatrician: "Doctors have protocols, they are called prescribing guidelines. For example, an anti-inflammatory or an antipyretic can be taken no more than a day after the fever has subsided, not preventively. We all have at least one ibuprofen in our bag, and not just it, but the whole class of drugs, including aspirin".

Anti-inflammatory drugs taken preventively and without reason destroy good bacteria in the intestines, similar to antibiotics.

Dr. Steluța Boroghină, primary care pediatrician: "Instead of eliminating and excreting all metabolic by-products, which are harmful, our intestines allow them to reenter the bloodstream".

This implies inflammation throughout the body.

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