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Antibiotics have come to be consumed like candies

Doctor: Antibiotics have come to be consumed like candies. What risks are there if we take them excessively?

Image source: © Canva / Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
24.01.2024 23:10

Dr. Adrian Marinescu, the medical director of "Matei Balş" National Institute of Infectious Diseases in Bucharest, explained that in Romania antibiotics end up being consumed like candies and that they are not effective in viral infections.

"The principle of using antibiotics is not well understood because, in the end, antibiotics end up being consumed like candies, and it's a reality. Many times we say that a seasonal infection, which is mostly viral, can only be resolved with antibiotics, absolutely wrong. In the end, it's just a psychological component and a comfort that we think we obtain", said Dr. Adrian Marinescu on a TV station on the evening of January 24.

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The doctor also mentioned that there are many adverse reactions to antibiotics, and taking them excessively reduces resistance to microorganisms.

"In reality, three things happen. Firstly, the antibiotic is of no use in a viral infection; it doesn't help at all. Secondly, the adverse reactions can be significant, and to have a comparison, there are more adverse reactions to antibiotics than we would have when we get vaccinated, no matter what vaccine. This is for reference. And the third very important thing is resistance. In the end, resistance to other microorganisms is a normal process that has always existed since we talk about antibiotics. What is humanity doing lately? It accelerates this process", Marinescu explained.

What are microorganisms

Adrian Marinescu also explained what microorganisms are and what happens if we take antibiotics excessively.

"Take into account that the new antibiotics developed by pharmaceutical companies may eventually become ineffective. What will occur specifically? We will find ourselves in a situation where a patient facing a life-threatening generalized infection will lack viable solutions and won't have antibiotics readily available. It's important to recognize that microorganisms are highly intelligent entities capable of adaptation. When we misuse antibiotics, particularly in terms of dosage when unnecessary, we inadvertently empower them further, making them more potent, which is precisely what we aim to avoid", stated Adrian Marinescu.

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