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why energy drinks are more harmful to teenagers than adults

The reason why energy drinks are more harmful to teenagers and children than adults

Image source: © Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
23.10.2023 20:00

The younger the consumer, the more pronounced the effects of energy drinks. In the case of children and teenagers, they can experience disturbances in their heart rhythm. Here are some precautions.

Amino acids, which produce artificial energy, are found in energy drinks. They are addictive. Here's why:

Dr. Radu Țincu, a specialist in intensive care and toxicology at the Floreasca Emergency Hospital: "Energy drinks contain amino acids that act as precursors for brain excitatory neurotransmitters, which lead to artificial acceleration of brain activity and can result in agitation. This elevates the body's accustomed baseline, driving it to seek higher quantities to attain the intended effect".

This is addiction.

Prof. Dr. Coriolan Ulmeanu, a toxicology expert at the Grigore Alexandrescu Hospital: "Due to the psychoactive effect of energy drinks, most consumers believe they can consume more alcohol than they normally would".

The younger the consumer, the more pronounced the effects. Hence, the warnings are particularly directed at teenagers.

The heart beats too fast. This leads to hypertension.

Prof. Dr. Coriolan Ulmeanu, Grigore Alexandrescu Hospital: "Significant cardiovascular effects have been demonstrated, including tachycardia, hypertension and coronary artery dilatation. Coronary artery dilatation has been proven to have major consequences, leading to heart rhythm disturbances".

Here are the coronary arteries. They are the ones that irrigate the very heart.

Dr. Radu Țincu, an intensive care and toxicology specialist at the Floreasca Emergency Hospital: "Medical intervention may be required to regulate heart activity, as well as hypertension. We have seen people with high blood pressure spikes after consuming these substances".

If energy drinks are accidentally consumed by a young child, it is crucial to seek immediate medical attention.

The child needs electrolyte balance restoration and cardiac monitoring for 8-12 hours.

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