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toxic compound appears, just like in cigarette smoke

You like cold cuts, don't you? Here's what happens in our bodies when we eat them. A toxic compound appears, just like in cigarette smoke

Image source: © Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
23.10.2023 18:00

The preservatives in cold cuts are not dangerous by themselves. The human body transforms them into highly toxic substances. Energy drinks contain amino acids, protein fragments. The human body transforms them against itself.

We witness spectacular transformations happening inside. In fact, we witness reactions like those in the chemistry textbook. After a sandwich and a juice.

Two kilograms per month. That's the amount of cold cuts a Romanian consumes, as reported by the National Institute of Statistics. We know for sure that this is a significant consumption.

What we don't see is how the stomach instantly transforms them into a highly toxic compound called nitrosamine. We also find it in cigarette smoke. How is this possible?

Sodium nitrite, nitrite salt, nitric salt, preservative E 250 - these are the preservatives in cold cuts.

They are inherently harmless. However, the human body transforms them into harmful substances. In fact, it's the stomach's hydrochloric acid that is responsible for this process. An expert in biochemistry explains:

Prof. Dr. Stefan Voicu, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology: "The moment sodium nitrite enters the stomach – it follows a standard reaction – it reacts with hydrochloric acid. The reaction produces a compound called nitrosamine, which is a proven carcinogenic compound, and there are dose limits of 50 milligrams per kilogram of body weight. In cigarettes, we find it as a byproduct of burning tobacco. Speaking strictly biochemically, cold cuts are not recommended for any age".

The food industry is aware of this reaction. That's why most cold cuts have vitamin C added. Ascorbic acid is the form you will find on the labels. Vitamin C must be present SIMULTANEOUSLY in the stomach when nitrosamines are formed. But why?

Prof. Dr. Veronica Lazar, Faculty of Biology: "It reduces a harmful reaction in the creation of carcinogenic nitrosamines, which stems from the reduction of nitrates. Vitamin C plays a crucial role in safeguarding against these carcinogenic agents present in food, particularly in cold cuts".

The nitrosamine generated in the stomach upon cold cuts consumption enters the bloodstream. Here it combines with the hemoglobin. This leads to the formation of methemoglobin. Meaning that the blood can NO longer transport oxygen.

The younger the child, the more dangerous the situation.

Prof. Dr. Coriolan Ulmeanu, Grigore Alexandrescu Hospital: "The consequences are disastrous. The clinical sign is the appearance of intense skin color".

Severe cases require hospitalization and an antidote - methylene blue.

Children should not be exposed to cold cuts containing nitric salt. Regardless of their age.

We differentiate between heavily processed cold cuts and pure meat, i.e. animal proteins of the highest quality. Animal proteins do not affect kidney function.

Meat, eggs and dairy. Only these foods contain complete proteins. These enter the digestive tract, and the body extracts the "bricks" from which we are built. We call them amino acids. All the amino acids necessary for life come from animal-origin foods.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cristina Căpușă, primary nephrologist: "The body takes its 'bricks' and discards what it no longer needs. Uric acid results from this process. A healthy kidney that has never been affected by anything eliminates the products that result from proteins".

Why not exclude proteins from meat, eggs and dairy products from your daily diet? Because these proteins are essential for rebuilding every cell in your body. Without them, malnutrition can set in. What does malnutrition imply?

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cristina Capusa, primary nephrologist: "Malnutrition, poor nutrition, doesn't necessarily result in weight loss, but rather indicates that internally, your cells and tissues are not receiving the essential nutrients they require. Malnutrition is a significant contributor to mortality. Malnutrition is not always visibly evident. You can suffer from malnutrition without appearing emaciated".

But how much animal protein should you include in your daily diet? Assuming your kidneys are healthy and functioning properly. Begin by stepping on the scale. And start doing some simple calculations.

1 gram of animal-origin proteins per kilogram of body weight. Every day. For example, for a 70-kilogram adult, 70 grams daily.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cristina Capusa, primary nephrologist: "How many proteins come from 100 grams of meat? How many proteins come from 100 grams of cheese? From both - 20 grams of protein. If you’ve eaten 100 grams of schnitzel in a day, 100 grams of raw chicken meat - you've got 20 grams of protein, 2 slices of cheese - you've reached 40 grams".

From 100 ml of milk, you get 3 grams of protein. From one egg - 7 grams of protein. From 100 grams of meat - 20 grams of protein. From 100 grams of cheese - still 20 grams.

They are essential.

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