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What happens in the body when you eat ice cream every day

What happens in the body when you eat ice cream every day. The harmful effects of this desert

Image source: © Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
31.07.2024 11:36

Eating ice cream every day can have a number of effects on the body.

According to a survey conducted by OnePoll, 68% of respondents said they have ice cream in the freezer at all times.

Most people will admit that ice cream is not exactly healthy, but it is not so clear how the daily consumption of ice cream affects the body.

Dietitian Kiran Campbell firmly believes that all foods can be part of our daily diet. You don’t have to give up ice cream to live a healthy life. The key, she says, is moderation. When it comes to the impact that daily ice cream consumption has on the body, Campbell says it depends on the size of the portion.

Campbell also says that diet generally matters. Someone who has a low-nutrient diet and ends their day with ice cream will experience different health effects than someone who eats nutrient-rich foods and ends their day with ice cream.

Taking these two factors into account, the doctor says that a nutrient-rich diet and a small portion of ice cream (about half a cup) every night does not do any harm.

When you eat a larger portion of ice cream and eat foods that are low in nutrients, negative health consequences are more likely.

"The main reason for limiting foods like ice cream is because of saturated fats and added sugars", Campbell explains, according to parade.com. 

When consumed in excess, saturated fats and sugar have a negative impact on the heart’s health by increasing the amount of LDL cholesterol in the body. This increases the risk of stroke, heart disease and heart attacks.

Campbell says excessive consumption of foods high in saturated fat and added sugars also has a negative impact on the brain – both in terms of cognitive health and mental health. While eating ice cream may provide comfort at the moment, Campbell points out scientific studies that show that ultra-processed sugary foods like ice cream are linked to higher levels of anxiety and depression.

"Other research on diets high in sucrose, which is the main sweetener in ice cream, shows that consuming large amounts of sucrose affects the ability to adapt to changing situations and may also affect short- and long-term memory", she adds.

One reason Campbell says that overeating ice cream can have a negative impact on the brain is the connection between the gut and the brain.

"Studies suggest that diets high in simple sugars, such as ice cream, may increase the permeability of the small intestine in healthy people. "This increase in permeability basically means that toxins can get into the bloodstream and cause inflammation or other health problems", she says.

Campbell adds that some brands of ice cream use emulsifiers in their products that may not be gut-friendly.

"For example, emulsifiers like carboxymethylcellulose and polysorbate 80 can reduce the diversity of bacteria in the gut or lead to low-grade inflammation or colitis in some people", Campbell stated.

"Even certain types of carrageenan, which is generally considered safe by the Food and Drug Administration, may be associated with irritable bowel syndrome and inflammation within the gastrointestinal system", she adds.

Again, it should be repeated that what matters most is the general diet and the amount of ice cream you consume. The dietician reiterates that these negative health effects are associated with a diet high in saturated fats and added sugars.

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