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The most effective way to lose weight

The most effective way to lose weight. A series of transformations ensures our optimal functioning

Image source: © Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
12.02.2024 14:59

What does the concept of a food break entail? Interrupting eating for 12-16 hours. During this break, blood sugar drops, and fats in the blood decrease. Subsequently, the body starts using stored fat.

It is advised to adhere to this break in the evening and throughout the night.

A meal triggers a long chain of hormones that play a role throughout the body.

We digest for 2-4 hours. Digestion is managed by the hormone insulin. It transports the glucose resulting from food into cells. And provides them with fuel.

If there is NO upcoming meal or snack, another hormone, glucagon, comes into play. It directs the liver to decompose its stored energy. And provide cells with...energy.

Dr. Antonela Burlacu, a specialist endocrinologist: "During the food rest period, we use our resources. It goes first from the pancreas to the liver and destroys the sugar storage, normally present in the liver. The brain cannot produce its glucose, so it is dependent on glucose; that's why the body needs glucose to feed the brain".

What happens after these phases?

We take a food break in the evening and during the night. That is, 12-16 hours without eating. During this time, a series of transformations makes us function perfectly.

After the insulin hormone and the glucagon hormone have done their job, we start burning stored fat.

Dr. Antonela Burlacu, a specialist endocrinologist: "We start using up the fat storage, which is full of possibilities; the process of ketosis occurs when fat transforms. Ketone bodies are good; the brain also uses them. If it doesn't have glucose, the brain eats ketone bodies".

Given that we do not consume food for 12-16 hours in the evening and during the night. We efficiently use stored fat. Ketone bodies appear, demonstrating that the body is consuming its own fat. Who wins?

A 12-16 hour food break at night. Only by following this pattern we regulate all circuits. Blood sugar drops and fats in the blood decrease. The inner layer of blood vessels functions well.

We are talking about the most effective way to lose weight.

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