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The most effective tricks for losing recently accumulated pounds

Post-holiday weight loss diets. The most effective tricks for losing recently accumulated pounds

Image source: Β© Canva / Canva
MateriaΕ‚y Prasowe,
04.01.2024 21:37

After the holiday break, many people notice a difference of a few pounds on the scale. High-fat meals, calorie-laden drinks and pastries result in rapid weight gain.

Many seek effective solutions to shed the accumulated weight. The first options at hand are often restrictive weight loss diets, skipping meals or fasting. However, all of these are associated with health risks and a temporary weight loss that cannot be sustained in the long run.

Discover the dangers of weight loss diets and how you can lose weight in a healthy way without exposing yourself to risks.

Weight loss diets after rapidly gained pounds

Various types of fast and restrictive weight loss diets are very popular, but these lack scientific evidence, lead to starvation, and are nutritionally unbalanced. Many people turn to these "solutions" because they seem simple at first glance and promise quick results. On the other hand, they can have negative effects on long-term health.

Risks of rapid weight loss diets

Weight loss diets promising rapid weight loss have consequences on the body. Here are the risks of these diets, as presented by Dr. Matthew Thorpe in the article "10 Solid Reasons Why Yo-Yo Dieting Is Bad for You" and by Lauren Wicks in the article "6 Potential Dangers of Dieting":

Yo-yo effect – represents the rapid regain of lost weight due to a return to the usual lifestyle;

Gastrointestinal disorders – due to a deficit or excess of fiber, you may experience diarrhea, constipation, intestinal gas, bloating, abdominal cramps;

Fatigue and drowsiness – due to insufficient energy intake;

Developing an unhealthy relationship with food – food restriction can lead to eating disorders, such as orthorexia (obsession with eating healthy), anorexia, binge eating or bulimia;

Hormonal imbalances – drastic weight loss diets can increase cortisol levels (the stress hormone), affect the menstrual cycle and thyroid function;

Vitamin and mineral deficiencies – can alter numerous functions of the body;

Increased risk of chronic diseases – large and frequent fluctuations in body weight increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, hypertension and non-alcoholic fatty liver;

Muscle mass loss – reducing muscle mass is not only associated with a decrease in strength, but also with protein-caloric malnutrition, which has significant negative effects (such as depression of the immune system). Additionally, regaining muscle mass is a challenging process;

Change in body composition - due to the yo-yo effect, the accumulation of adipose tissue (fat) occurs more rapidly than the increase in muscle mass;

Frustration associated with reduced motivation for a healthy lifestyle – temporary changes in the diet leading to the yo-yo effect can make you less motivated to permanently change your lifestyle.

How to lose weight healthily - useful tips

Understanding the weight loss process is the first step to losing weight healthily.

When the daily energy (or calorie) intake from food is equivalent to energy expenditure, the body maintains its weight. To achieve weight loss, you need to have a higher expenditure than calorie intake.

"Burning" calories occurs through metabolism and exercise. Weight loss can be achieved by increasing physical activity levels and moderately reducing calorie intake. However, this does not mean skipping meals or eliminating important food groups, such as meat or fats. Instead, quality and quantity are two important aspects of a balanced diet.

It is essential to set realistic goals. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), healthy and sustainable weight loss occurs at a rate of 0.5-1 kg per week, which means 2-4 kg per month. This is not associated with the yo-yo effect. Additionally, it takes time to adapt to new habits, so patience is needed.

How to lose weight healthily, without starving and without exposing yourself to the mentioned risks, as presented by Mayo Clinic and Healthline:

Eat a variety of foods – diversify your diet with a variety of foods from all food groups (grains, vegetables, legumes, fruits, dairy, meat, fish, eggs, nuts, seeds) to provide your body with all the necessary nutrients;

Increase the consumption of vegetables and fruits – try to consume vegetables at every meal, especially in their fresh state. Also, consume 2-3 fruits daily as snacks. These are low in calories, but rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals;

Choose whole grains – replace white bread, white rice and other refined grains with whole-grain alternatives. These are richer in fiber, extending the feeling of satiety;

Opt for healthy fats – avocado, nuts, almonds, pistachios, flax and chia seeds are examples of beneficial fats that prolong satiety. Choose them raw and unsalted. Also, add small amounts of extra virgin olive oil to your plate;

Consume quality proteins – choose skinless poultry and fish more often, as well as semi-skimmed dairy products. Remove visible fat from red meat. Proteins help maintain muscle mass;

Control portions – in addition to diet quality, moderation is equally important. You can use the healthy plate model (Β½ vegetables, ΒΌ meat, fish, eggs, chickpeas or other legumes, and ΒΌ grains, such as rice). Regarding nuts and seeds, the recommended daily portion is 30 g;

Eat mindfully – instead of counting calories, pay attention to the body's hunger and satiety signals. Chew slowly and eliminate distractions during meals, such as the TV

Hydrate yourself – sometimes, you can confuse the feeling of thirst with hunger and consume food without actually needing it. Consume enough water throughout the day;

Exercise daily – a minimum of 30 minutes of continuous moderate-intensity exercise is recommended every day (jogging, brisk walking, dancing, swimming, aerobics). Exercise increases calorie expenditure and helps maintain muscle mass;

Rest – sleep for a minimum of 7 hours per night. Lack of sleep alters the levels of hormones involved in hunger and satiety;

Organize your meals – try to maintain a stable schedule with 3 main meals and 2 snacks, spaced 2-3 hours apart. Do not skip meals, as this will promote overeating later;

Avoid processed foods – juices, sweets, fast-food, cold cuts and other commercial products are very high in calories and should be avoided.

To maintain optimal weight, it is not enough to eat healthy for a few weeks; you need to make it a lifestyle.

An important aspect is to gradually change your current habits to achieve lasting results. Do not radically change your eating habits; just optimize your diet, considering your preferences.

The presence of pathologies requires special nutritional recommendations, which can be provided only by a licensed dietitian

How to detoxify correctly

Another "solution" that many people turn to after the holidays is detox diets, aiming to eliminate accumulated toxins. However, detoxifying the body with juices, teas, diuretics and laxatives is a habit that can affect health similarly to weight loss diets.

As dietitian Gavin Van De Walle presents in the article "What Is a Full-body Detox?", detox diets are a myth, a misconception that promises the elimination of toxic substances from the body through fast regimes.

The human body has a complex system through which it naturally eliminates toxins, involving the liver, digestive system, skin, kidneys and lungs. We can support the proper functioning of these organs through a healthy lifestyle in the long term, not through a few days of detox.

What you can do for a correct, natural detoxification of the body, according to the mentioned source:

Hydrate yourself sufficiently – water eliminates toxins through sweating, breathing and urine;

Avoid excessive alcohol consumption – the liver metabolizes 90% of the consumed alcohol, and excessive alcohol consumption affects the liver function;

Rest – in the absence of sufficient sleep, the body cannot function optimally;

Avoid the consumption of intensely processed industrial foods, rich in unhealthy sugars and fats – such as sweets, juices, fast-food;

Consume foods rich in antioxidants – these compounds neutralize free radicals, molecules responsible for genetic material alteration, aging and the development of chronic diseases. Antioxidants are found in fresh, brightly colored fruits and vegetables, coffee, green tea, nuts, cocoa, herbs and medicinal plants;

Exercise every day;

quit smoking;

Reduce salt intake – excess sodium causes fluid retention;

Take care of the health of intestinal flora – consume foods rich in probiotics (fermented foods, such as natural yogurt with live bacteria, kefir, homemade pickles) and prebiotics (fibers that feed probiotics). The latter are found in fruits, vegetables, oats, psyllium husks, and seeds.

Therefore, weight loss diets may yield quick but not lasting results. Moreover, they cause significant imbalances in the body. Arm yourself with patience and perseverance, be gentle with your body, and choose healthy habits over temporary diets. Do not hesitate to consult a licensed dietitian for personalized nutritional advice based on your needs.

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