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Hormones that affect weight

Hormones that affect weight. Why do we gain weight faster after losing it?

Image source: © Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
31.07.2024 11:47

We gain weight faster after losing it. The culprit is a hormone that increases hunger.

Over 20 hormones, produced in the digestive tract and in fat tissue, send the brain information about hunger and satiety.

All these hormones send incorrect signals once inflammation occurs, caused by excess fat tissue. The brain, digestive system and hormones form a vast network of information that maintains body weight.

We focus on two main hormones in this network. Ghrelin is the hormone secreted in the stomach that triggers hunger. Leptin is secreted in fat tissue and signals satiety. Want to lose weight quickly by starving yourself? Ghrelin levels rise, increasing hunger.

Dr. Bogdan Pascu, pediatric endocrinologist: "Once we enter this vicious cycle, our ability to control appetite is surpassed because we end up succumbing to these hormones".

Dr. Antonela Burlacu, primary care endocrinologist: "80% of people who lose weight through pills, diets or bariatric surgery regain their previous weight within the next 5 years. Ghrelin increases our appetite, leading us to eat extra, whether we want to or not. On the other hand, since metabolism slows down after weight loss, the basal metabolic rate decreases after the diet, and the energy we expend in exercise decreases as well, leading to weight gain again. I lost 10-15 kilograms, regardless of the method, we maintain a correct source of protein to preserve muscle mass, and on the other hand, we exercise to make these muscles work".

Sources of protein include eggs, lean meat and dairy products. These will maintain muscle mass alongside physical activity. This is the only real help in the complex information system of the body.

Dr. Antonela Burlacu, primary care endocrinologist: "Every half kilogram gained is a warning signal and should be addressed because the longer you stay at a weight, the more your hypothalamus registers this weight as your own. When you want to lose weight, it will be more difficult, so don’t let your weight stay high for long; every half kilogram matters".

Doctors recommend monitoring your weight and taking action when there are only a few extra kilograms. Actions include ensuring protein in all meals and exercising daily.

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