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How to control your body weight

How to control your body weight. Here are some dietary habits that protect your blood sugar

Image source: © Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
23.10.2023 18:00

How do we lose weight effectively? By managing our blood sugar through simple measures. This way, no spare fat is stored.

Starchy foods and sugar, the two ingredients that make our lives sweeter and our silhouettes more voluminous.

Why do we love carbohydrates so much? They raise blood sugar levels and create a sense of well-being in the brain.

However, elevated blood sugar is the last thing we want when it comes to losing weight.

Here are some dietary habits that protect your blood sugar.

Reduce sugar intake and never consume sweets or juices on an empty stomach.

Limit yourself to one sweet snack per day, preferably at the end of a meal.

This way, sugar mixes with the other foods in your stomach and is absorbed more slowly, resulting in a less significant blood sugar spike.

Pay attention to cooking times when it comes to pasta, rice, potatoes, legumes and root vegetables.

Extended boiling times soften insoluble fibers and lead to the absorption of a larger quantity of carbohydrates.

The glycemic index, which measures the rate at which glucose is absorbed into the bloodstream, increases as cooking time extends. For example, boiled carrots have a glycemic index of 85, whereas raw carrots have a glycemic index of 30.

Combine foods with each other: when we pair proteins or fats with carbohydrates, their glycemic index will be lower.

For example, even though it has more calories, bread with butter produces smaller fluctuations in blood sugar compared to plain bread.

The same goes for rice pilaf or mashed potatoes, whose glycemic index decreases due to the presence of fat.

Our body needs glucose, but it should receive it gradually, in small amounts, to prevent blood sugar levels from rising.

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