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Mihaela Bilic: "I eat expired dairy products. I buy them from th

Mihaela Bilic: "I eat expired dairy products. I buy them from the reduced-price refrigerator". What foods can we eat after they expire?

Image source: © Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
10.06.2024 14:03

Nutritionist Mihaela Bilic revealed, through a photo posted on social media, that she keeps products in her fridge bought at a reduced price and eats dairy that has passed its expiration date.

"During the weekend, it was both Children's Day and International Milk Day. Speaking of dairy, I confirm that I eat expired ones. Moreover, I buy them from the reduced-price/quick sale refrigerator. That's how my fridge looks", wrote Mihaela Bilic on Facebook.

In just two days, the nutritionist's post gathered 4,600 reactions on Facebook, over 250 comments and 120 shares.

Over time, several doctors and nutrition specialists have proven that not all products harm us if consumed after the expiration date printed on the packaging. Some have even made money selling expired products. This includes a businessman from the UK, the owner of the company "Approved Food", who explained how he manages to sell such products to bargain hunters.

In 2023, in the UK, a number of retail giants removed expiration dates from milk as part of a campaign against food waste.

Representatives of a supermarket chain in the United Kingdom say nearly 500 million milk bottles are wasted each year in the UK.

Consumption limit dates refer to food safety during consumption, while product expiration dates refer to food quality.

Some of the most common kitchen foods can be safely consumed even after the expiration date.

What people may not know is that milk is not the only product that can be safely consumed after the use-by date.

Eggs, yogurt and even bread can be safely consumed even after they "expire", according to The Mail.

Among the safe foods that can be consumed beyond the sell-by date are pasteurized milk, eggs, sweets, chips, biscuits, pasta, bread and chocolate.

However, people need to use "sensory indicators" to judge whether foods can be consumed safely – if an food has unusual smells or mold traces.

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