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Which foods help with hydration and can replace water?

Which foods help with hydration and can replace water? What does Mihaela Bilic say

Image source: © Canva / Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
19.03.2024 12:14

Which foods help with hydration and can replace water? Can tea, coffee and juices be considered alternatives to water?

We find the answers to these questions from Mihaela Bilic.

Milk is miraculous when it comes to hydration. There are comparative studies between water consumption and milk consumption, and it has been shown that our body, due to the complexity of milk, retains water better and utilizes it more effectively when it comes with the nutrients from milk.

In milk, we have 87% water, and the remaining percentage makes the difference. It is very good for children, athletes and those who engage in intense physical activity and lose water through sweating.

Tea and milk can be two very healthy alternatives to water. When it comes to tea, if we have black tea, we find theine, which is equivalent to caffeine and can provide additional energy. If we talk about green tea, we have many antioxidants and again, benefits.

Tea, coffee and milk can be hydration alternatives.

Discover in the attached VIDEO the secret Romanian ingredient that helps with hydration.

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