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world's largest science and technology competition

Romanian students win first place at the world's largest science and technology competition

Image source: © Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
05.07.2024 15:36

Romania's future plans in the aeronautical field were discussed on July 3rd by the Minister of Economy, Ștefan-Radu Oprea, together with the three student winners of the "International Science and Engineering Fair" in Los Angeles.

"The Minister of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism, Ștefan-Radu Oprea, met on Wednesday, July 3rd, with Filip Bușcu, David Ghiberic and Rareș Marinescu, students of the International Computer Science High School in Bucharest and future students at top international universities, to discuss Romania's future plans in the aeronautical field. The young men were accompanied by the school's director, Hayati Agaoglu, and the discussions were attended by Bogdan Costaș - director of ROMAERO and George Brezoi - chairman of the board of Avioane Craiova S.A. Filip Bușcu, David Ghiberic and Rareș Marinescu are the grand winners of the "International Science and Engineering Fair" in Los Angeles, the largest science and technology competition in the world for participants under 21 years old", the ministry informs in a statement.

Their project "Hawk Wing", which they worked on for more than a year, is inspired by nature and represents a full-scale aircraft that could contribute to the efficiency of flights due to its design. The independently coordinated directional wings promise to reduce fuel consumption by up to 5% and increase maneuverability, for example, for fighter jets.

"Sincere congratulations! I hope that such creative and innovative ideas can be transformed into products that, further on, can be industrialized. Through you, through the youth, we can develop this aeronautics field and make significant progress, especially considering that Romania has a strong tradition in this area", declared the Minister of Economy, in the cited statement.

During the discussions, ideas were exchanged regarding the national defense industry and the educational offer in the field. "We developed the project with a screwdriver in hand", said David, explaining the team's efforts, prioritizing the practical side of the project.

According to the cited source, the young men also described the tasks assigned to each team member, starting with the responsibility of assembling and designing the plane, performing the necessary simulations for functionality, and not least, programming the onboard system, which included an autopilot system that allowed data recording and transmission.

Oprea told the Olympians that the Ministry of Economy, along with ROMAERO and other related companies, could provide the infrastructure and equipment needed to continue their discoveries, which have the potential to put Romania on the radar of major aeronautical companies. In return, the young men invited the official to visit the place where the successful project story began: the garage of one of the three students.

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