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Impressive results achieved by Romanian students at the Olympiad

Impressive results achieved by Romanian students at the International Biology Olympiad. Who are the winners

Image source: © Canva / Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
13.07.2024 16:57

Romanian students won two bronze medals and an honorable mention at the 35th International Biology Olympiad, held from July 6 to 14 in Astana, Kazakhstan.

According to the Ministry of Education, Romania was represented by: Teodor Cârloanţă, a 12th-grade student from "Dragoş Vodă" National College, Câmpulung Moldovenesc, who won a bronze medal. Ioana-Noemi Munteanu, an 11th-grade student from "Vasile Alecsandri" National College, Bacău, who also won a bronze medal. Ionuţ Dumitru Adrian Găvănescu, a 12th-grade student from "Tudor Vladimirescu" National College, Târgu Jiu, who received an honorable mention. Mihai Manta, a 12th-grade student from "I. L. Caragiale" National College, Ploieşti, who received a participation diploma.

The team’s preparation for this high-level competition included intensive theoretical study sessions, practical work, and exam simulations, guided by teachers from the Faculty of Biology and Geology at Babeş-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca, with support from the Cluj County School Inspectorate and the Ministry of Education.

"Congratulations to all," the ministry representatives posted on Facebook.

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