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Greta Thunberg angered German politicians: Could she be banned f

Greta Thunberg angered German politicians: Could she be banned from visiting Germany?

Image source: © Getty Images
Konrad SiwikKonrad Siwik,11.10.2024 16:30

Greta Thunberg, the prominent Swedish climate activist, has become embroiled in controversy in Germany, with CDU politicians calling for her to be banned from entering the country. The demands come after her participation in pro-Palestinian protests, which escalated into violence. The question now arises: should Thunberg be barred from crossing the German border?

Greta Thunberg has long been a symbol of the global youth movement against the climate crisis. However, her recent involvement in events in Germany has ignited a wave of criticism. Thunberg's participation in a pro-Palestinian demonstration in Berlin, which escalated into violence, has led CDU politicians to openly call for restrictions on her presence in the country.

Call for an entry ban on Thunberg

On Wednesday, 9 October, CDU politician Alexander Throm strongly demanded an entry ban on Thunberg in Germany. "There is no place in Germany for Jew-haters like Greta Thunberg," he told *Bild* newspaper. His remarks were sparked by Thunberg’s involvement in the Berlin protest, which resulted in clashes with the police. Thunberg's condemnation of the actions of German authorities further fuelled the controversy.

CDU politicians argue that Thunberg has overstepped her role by engaging in Middle Eastern political matters, which they claim conflict with German values. Throm and other Christian Democrats maintain that her actions cannot be tolerated, suggesting that an entry ban would serve as a response to her perceived promotion of anti-Semitic attitudes and support for radical movements.

Greta Thunberg sparks controversy in Germany

The call for an entry ban on Greta Thunberg has ignited a fierce debate in the German media. "The degradation of climate saint Greta into a staunch anti-Semite and an ally of violent demonstrators in Berlin-Kreuzberg, who build burning barricades and attack police officers, is striking," wrote the daily Münchner Merkur. Journalists note that while Thunberg gained international recognition for her climate activism, her involvement in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is highly controversial in Germany.

Meanwhile, Nürnberger Nachrichten highlights that since the Hamas attack on Israel on 7 October, Thunberg has spoken less about climate issues and increasingly about political matters concerning the Middle East.

Opposition to the entry ban for Thunberg

Although some politicians and media outlets openly support an entry ban on Thunberg, others disagree. Die Welt has criticised the proposal, arguing that such a ban could set a dangerous precedent. "An entry ban for a Swedish activist would be just as bad as an entry ban for right-wing radical Martin Sellner," the newspaper argues. According to Die Welt, even controversial figures like Thunberg should have their rights to free speech and protest respected.

Sources: Deutsche Welle

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