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Foreign students in Romania prefer to stay in Romania

Foreign students in Romania prefer to stay in Romania during the summer. "It's a great country for prices, for everything"

Image source: © Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
08.07.2024 13:02

Foreign students studying in Romania have started to stay here over the summer as well. They say they can have fun for less money than in Western Europe and have time to travel too.

On average, they need 500 euros per month for relaxation and outings, while back home they would spend almost double.

Jan is from Slovenia and is pursuing a master's degree in economics here. He has already planned his entire vacation in Romania.

Jan Počivavšek, student: "It's a bit cheaper here, for example, a shot and a beer cost 5-6 euros. I want to go to a festival here in Cluj. I want to go to Timișoara; I've heard it's very nice. More things are happening here than in my hometown".

But not all students who stay in Romania for the summer have the necessary funds. Juan, for example, stayed here last summer too. He is involved in several projects from which he occasionally earns a few hundred euros.

Juan Barrios, student: "I have more fun here compared to home. I really like Romania; I feel like I've integrated very well".

Valentine has obtained a summer internship. She teaches French courses but still has plenty of time for herself.

The number of foreign students has increased by 26% in the last 6 years

Valentine Perrault, student: "To go to a club in Paris, you have to pay 20 euros".

Reporter: And here?

Valentine Perrault, student: "Around 6 euros and sometimes it's even free. For those from Western Europe, like me, it's a great country for prices, for everything".

Amira Pop, Erasmus Student Network representative: "They ask us for locations for pubs, parties, mostly for parties, nearby cities they can visit, and they are very interested in hikes".

Sergiu Miscoiu, International Cooperation Center of UBB: "Some of them stay over the summer exclusively to enjoy the summer activities. We have French, German, Italian and Spanish students, these are the largest contingents".

In the last six academic years, the number of foreigners coming to study in Romania has increased by 26%.

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