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The Most Beautiful Places in Romania

The Most Beautiful Places in Romania

Image source: © Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
21.09.2023 18:16

You like travelling and you would like to jump to a nearby, convenient and beautiful destination? Romania is the right choice. Here are some of the most remarkable places to see in this country.

You like travelling and you would like to jump to a nearby, convenient and beautiful destination? Romania is the right choice. Here are some of the most remarkable places to see in this country.


The city is home to the oldest university in Romania and is also one of the art and cultural centers in it. In this historical city you can see many museums, churches, ancient and beautiful architecture and monuments.


Mamaia is the largest resort on the Romanian Black Sea coast and famous for its lovely beaches. There are also many sights in Mamaia.


Dating back to the 13th century, Timisoara is the third largest city in Romania and the cultural and economic center of Banat. The city is of great important while its history is full of interesting facts and events. Timisoara is also known as the "Vienna of the Balkans" because it was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire for a long time and its center reminds of old Vienna.


Now, it is time for the capital of Romania - Bucharest. The city combines the new and the old. One of the most famous sights in Bucharest are the Palace of Parliament and the Romanian Athenaeum; the capital city has its own Arc de Triomphe, as well as many other amazing monuments that are worth visiting.


The medieval city of Sighisoara is in the UNESCO World Heritage List. While visiting the city, you can enjoy many stunning views and inhale the rich history of the place.

The "Painted" Monasteries

In Bucovina, northern Romania, there are eight monasteries known as the "painted" monasteries because of the beautiful and colorful frescoes that decorate their walls, both inside and outside. Their walls tell the story of Christ, angels, demons, Heaven and Hell.


The city of Sibiu, once part of Hungary, dates back to the 12th century and it is the hometown to many vampire myths and legends, including Dracula, as it is located in the region of Transylvania. Tourists may not see these creatures, but they will come across baroque buildings, old fortress walls and many remarkable monuments from the past.


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