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Students in Romania can participate in a new Olympiad

Students in Romania can participate in a new Olympiad: cybersecurity. The subject is not taught in schools

Image source: © Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
20.02.2024 11:16

Students in Romania can participate in a new Olympiad: cybersecurity.

This subject not only prepares future specialists in an essential field, but can also contribute to national security in the face of new cyber threats.

Mihai Rotariu, director of the Romanian National Cyber Security Directorate (DNSC), was invited to the iLikeIT studio to provide details about this event.

Marian Andrei: What does this Olympiad practically imply? It involves a competition for a subject that is not part of the curriculum in schools or high schools.

Mihai Rotariu: "Exactly. We must thank the Ministry of Education for the openness it has shown in launching, where, indeed, there is no subject taught in schools. However, there are already numerous young individuals passionate about the cybersecurity field, as evident from their participation in the National Cyber Security Championship. And let's not forget that the Romanian National Cyber Security Team was the European champion in 2019".

Marian Andrei: Tell me a bit about how this Olympiad takes place, because I assume a computer is needed.

Mihai Rotariu: "Yes, it takes place in a classic Olympiad format, as we are used to. When we used to participate in Olympiads, we progressed through a county stage and then to a national stage. In essence, we initiate the process with a county stage scheduled for March 2. Subsequently, each student, essentially the top performer securing the first place in each county, advances to the national stage. This national stage will be held on-site from May 23-24 in Bucharest".

Marian Andrei: If there are currently students eager to participate, which is highly likely among our followers, how can they register?

Mihai Rotariu: "They can enroll on a platform called Cyber-edu.ro. This is the platform hosting the National Cyber Security Championship, and I'll interject here to note that it has its two stages—the online stage and the final stage—concurrently with or, let's say, on the same dates as those of the National Cyber Security Olympiad. In essence, if I were a student, I would meticulously assess my chances of making it into the national cybersecurity team".

More details can be found on the website of the National Cyber Security Directorate (DNSC).

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