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Young people are more anti-immigration than older generations

Analysis: Polls show young people are more anti-immigration than older generations in certain parts of Europe

Image source: © Canva / Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
28.05.2024 11:16

Young people are more anti-immigration than older generations in some parts of Europe, according to a Guardian analysis, as attitudes toward migration harden across continental Europe ahead of the EU elections in June.

An analysis of EU-wide polls shows that in some countries, typically those in Eastern Europe, negative attitudes towards immigration are more commonly held by Generation Z or Millennials than by Generation X or Baby Boomers.

The findings come ahead of an expected surge in support for far-right parties in the European Parliament elections in June and follow recent national elections – in the Netherlands, Finland, Sweden and France – where young people voted for nationalists and Eurosceptics in unprecedented numbers.

Across Europe, Baby Boomers are still the generation most likely to hold anti-immigration views, but in some member states, Millennials – those born between 1980 and 1997 – and Generation Z – born after 1997 – have attitudes that are equally or more negative towards immigration from outside the EU.

The Guardian's analysis is based on generational survey data published by Eurobarometer, a collection of public opinion surveys conducted regularly on behalf of EU institutions since 1974.

The survey asks respondents across Europe if they have negative feelings about immigration from outside the EU, breaking down the results by Generation Z, Millennials, Generation X, those born between 1965 and 1980, and Baby Boomers, those born between 1946 and 1964.

Eurobarometer results suggest that attitudes toward immigration have hardened among younger respondents in the four years since the last EU elections, reflecting a general increase in anti-immigration sentiment across all age groups in the bloc.

In 2019, a third (32%) of Europeans aged 15 to 24 said they had a negative attitude towards immigration, but by the end of 2023, this figure had risen to 35%. For those aged 25 to 34, the proportion of respondents with negative feelings increased from 38% to 42%.

This indicates new generational gaps in attitudes towards immigration in certain countries, particularly in Eastern Europe. In Slovenia, Millennials are now the most negative of all generations, including Baby Boomers.

More Slovenian Millennials also mention that they have "very" negative feelings about immigration in comparison with Baby Boomers – 35% compared to 31% – suggesting a rise in extreme views among young people in Slovenia.

French Millennials are also anti-immigration, with half (50%) of that generation holding such views.

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