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Acne, a problem that affects young people.

Acne, a problem that affects young people. What causes it and what treatments exist

Image source: © Canva / Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
25.03.2024 15:52

"Hormones are to blame, age is to blame", unfortunately, this is what all teenagers with acne hear. It's crucial to understand that the condition indicates both infection and inflammation, and it's abnormal to neglect treating an infection.

In addition, acne lesions leave visible marks even beneath the skin, which remain there.

After any form of acne, scars will remain. 95% of young people who develop acne will have superficial or deep scars.

Over 90% of adolescents are dissatisfied with their appearance. The specialist doctor determines the cause and severity of acne. Treatment does not begin at the first pharmacy, but with the dermatologist.

Dr. Andreea Merticariu, dermatologist specialist: "Scars can remain even after mild forms of acne. Preventive treatment means treatment from the first signs".

In prevention, blue light is useful. We are talking about a wavelength that can control sebum secretion. What does excess sebum actually do?

Mariana Trancă, dermatology medical assistant: "It provides an optimal environment for growth and is prone to overinfection. Light aids in diminishing sebum production, regulating its levels. Blue light diminishes facial bacteria by nearly 90%, aiding in mild recurrence, decreasing the frequency of recurrences, and reducing sebum secretion".

Regarding medication, contraceptive pills are recommended for girls. Some also have an anti-seborrheic role. Medications given by the doctor target the excessive activity of the sebaceous glands. Some have an anti-inflammatory or antibiotic role, depending on the form of acne.

Dr. Andreea Merticariu, dermatologist specialist: "The objective remains singular - if there's confirmed bacterial overgrowth, it necessitates treatment. Whether we're dealing with excessive sebum or inflammation, each is addressed accordingly. It exacerbates during the hormonal upheaval of puberty; consequently, treatment plans may need adjustment, potentially even requiring systemic interventions".

This occurs because the marks may persist in the deeper layers of the skin. They are then addressed with laser treatment, effectively eliminating the signs of acne.

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