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The three reasons that lead to drug use

The teenagers gave a harsh verdict. The three reasons that lead to drug use. What parents think

Image source: © Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
31.07.2024 11:44

A recent study established that parents and children in Romania have different perceptions regarding communication, but also the problem of drugs, considering different causes for this phenomenon.

When asked why they would start using drugs, the teenagers participating in these focus groups indicated curiosity, first, then the desire to be "cool", and third, boredom, the National Federation of Parents (FNAP) informs.

Unlike what children in focus groups said, more than 1,000 parents ranked first the influence of entourage, followed by lack of affection within the family, in an online flash survey initiated by the FNAP between July 17-19 2024.

Most surprisingly, 38% of children and adolescents participating in focus groups indicated that they do not communicate daily with their parents about their current activities, and 11% of them do not communicate even once a week.

In fact, 39% of respondents said that they feel uncomfortable talking to their parents about difficult topics, and only 29% of middle school and high school students are able to discuss such topics with them.

Shockingly, only 30% of children responded that their parents listen to their opinions and always respect their views.

Another problem highlighted is the fact that 33% of respondents do not participate at all or participate very rarely in sports, cultural or volunteering activities.

Parent-child relationship, essential in preventing drug use

Psychologist Radu Leca, specialized in clinical psychology, psychodiagnosis, sports psychology and psycho-oncology, points out that "the risk factors for difficult parent-child relationships are varied and dynamic. They can range from personal trauma to social pressures and generational differences in values and beliefs".

Only half of the children who participated in the focus group recommended a discussion with their parents for help when asked: "What advice would you give other younger children to avoid getting/continuing to use drugs?".

Almost a quarter recommended changing the entourage, and among other answers were to avoid drugs even out of curiosity, to inform themselves about consumption cases that proved fatal, and not to let themselves be influenced by drug users.

Almost unanimously, children who have ended up using drugs say that much of the drug information available on the Internet is lying and hiding the real harmful effects of drugs.

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