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60 percent of Romanians struggle with extra pounds

60 percent of Romanians struggle with extra pounds. The obesity rate has increased among children and teenagers

Image source: © Canva / Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
05.03.2024 12:30

One in eight people around the world is obese. Moreover, according to specialists who have conducted an extensive analysis in 190 countries, the obesity rate has risen to a shocking level among children and adolescents.

The number of those prone to gaining weight is on the rise because they do not eat healthily and do not exercise. 60% of Romanians are in this situation.

Ana is a software engineer in Cluj-Napoca and works mostly from home. To combat sedentary behavior, she has started doing various physical exercises, and recently replaced her office chair with a treadmill. She takes steps while sending emails.

Ana Ramona Ostachi: "Why a treadmill at home, in the apartment, instead of going for a walk? Because I don't have time, but I know how healthy it is to exercise and walk. 31,000 steps is roughly equivalent to 25 kilometers and 1000 lost calories. It sounds and feels extraordinary".

In Sibiu, Dani, a former lawyer, has set up a community sports club. There, people run, hike in the mountains, cycle or swim.

Daniel Troancă, coach of the Sibiu Community Sports Club: "The turning point comes from accepting one's own helplessness, at the moment when you analyze yourself and realize that something is not right with your health, then you have to decide to do something about it".

Bogdan: "It just lifts you off the couch, and you go running, swimming, wherever you want. It's cool!"

Local administrations also have such initiatives. In Brasov, on Wednesdays, locals can buy ski passes at half price.

Reporter: "What do you think about the discount for residents?"

Man: "Very, very cool!"

Reporter: "Will you take advantage of the discount offered to Brașov residents?"

Man: "Of course, every Wednesday!"

However, according to the European Commission, we are in the top 5 most sedentary countries in the world.

The situation is serious globally. In the past 32 years, the number of adults diagnosed with obesity has doubled, and in the case of children and adolescents, the figures are four times higher.

Majid Ezzati, professor at Imperial College London: "This trend means that macroeconomic policies to combat poverty and reduce the cost of food, as well as specific measures, such as school meals and healthy eating promotion programs, should be a priority".

According to a study published in the British journal "The Lancet", one billion people around the world have far more pounds than they should. The authors analyzed the height and weight of over 220 million people.

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