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Drug experts help parents shield their children from drugs

"Talk to me, all the time, about anything". Drug experts help parents shield their children from drugs

Image source: © Canva / Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
25.03.2024 15:48

Substance addiction doesn't start with high-risk drugs. It's trivial. Children need to be protected within the family. Not with prohibitions, but through alliances. The Romanian National Anti-Drug Agency tells us how to communicate constantly within the family environment.

Experts from the National Anti-Drug Agency advise parents to talk to teenagers and children about medicines taken without purpose. ALL of these can turn into drugs. Frequently, some pain-relieving medications are used by children and teenagers for emotional issues. Here's what psychologist Carmen Oprea tells us about common dangers:

Carmen Oprea, psychologist, National Anti-Drug Agency: "They consume them to alleviate certain psychological issues, which are often overlooked by parents. We often talk about anxiety, which affects most teenagers, which is undiagnosed and untreated by a specialist, of course, and leads to self-healing treatments. Treatments taken improperly, which amplify the problem".

Vulnerable children or teenagers, as well as their parents, can benefit from free sessions with psychologists under the "Safe Space" project (0752 791 647), carried out by the National Anti-Drug Agency.

Additionally, children's phone line (116 111) can be used to write or talk about anything. Substance abuse issues are addressed by anti-drug psychologists, confidentially and for free.

How do we protect children in the family? Every day. Talk to them about high-risk drugs, about alcohol. But also about over-the-counter medications. Approach these topics naturally, just as you talk about food. So that such discussions become normal. That's how you can protect children.

Carmen Oprea, psychologist, National Anti-Drug Agency: "It's very normal to talk because we turn the problem into normalcy. The discussion itself is no longer such a big curiosity for the child. Otherwise, if he wants to know more about drugs, he'll search the internet and will even find sites from where he can buy drugs. That's something every parent should know. Because avoiding talking about a subject doesn't mean you're avoiding the problem".

The worst phrase a parent can use is: "In my time, there weren't so many dangers! In my time, there were no drugs!". It's everything a child doesn't want to hear. Or "I didn't smoke, I didn't drink". A child doesn't want to hear about the parent's perfection. Anyway, it doesn't exist - psychologists say. "I'm like you! And I was curious to do all the stupid things!". That's how you protect the child. That's how you start talking about protection.

"Talk to me, all the time, about anything". That's all the child wants. It's the only real protection in the family.

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