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What should you do if you are super short-tempered

What should you do if you are super short-tempered

Image source: © canva / canva
Materiały Prasowe,
30.06.2023 15:52

In our hectic daily life, there is hardly a person who has not experienced signs of anger. And that's quite normal. There are different ways you can express your anger such as yelling, crying, which can even be healthy. However, when the short-temperedness is on display, it can be a problem both for yourself and for those around you.

What are the signs showing you are short- tempered? People who experience anger are often very easily irritated, experience shortness of breath, when they are angry, their blood pressure can rise very quickly, they get palpitations, it is difficult to control their emotions even at the slightest irritation.

Of course, showing anger and being short-tempered can cause various problems - social, physical, and even mental.

A person with short-temper can often get upset by the behavior of the people around him. This logically affects his/her relations with them. If you show your anger in public, it is normal to get reprimanded and even get some sort of ban.

Another sign that your anger has become a problem is when you notice that colleagues or friends around you often choose their words to communicate with you. This might be due to the fact that they are afraid of invoking your wrath.

The physical problems associated with anger can also be quite diverse. Visible symptoms such as heavy breathing, blushing, pulsating veins are only part of the disorders. Expressing anger, however, can generate several other physical problems that are not initially apparent.

Anger can make you take many wrong decisions from the perspective of health. Experiencing anger too often may bring other negative traits. It has been proven that in a fit of anger, a person resorts to unhealthy habits such as smoking, excessive use of caffeine, alcohol and others. Research shows that anger can be a factor in traffic accidents, as well.

As with joy and sadness, for example, expressing anger in certain situations can be healthy. Yet, if anger is manifested too often, then you need to learn to deal with this emotion. What are the ways you can "manage" your anger?

Try doing exercise. When you feel a sign of anger, just stop and breathe deeply for a few minutes. Reach out to your loved ones. A conversation with them can relieve you, both in cases of sadness and disappointment. If you feel that your emotions are too strong, you can always go to a specialist who can give you professional advice on how to deal with frequent outbursts of anger.

Source: Vbox7.com

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