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Sunday Depression - everyone knows it, not everyone knows how to name it. What is it exactly?

Sunday Depression - everyone knows it, not everyone knows how to name it. What is it exactly?

Image source: © canva
Weronika Plucińska,
16.05.2023 09:00

Most of us notice that on Sunday evening we suddenly become depressed. No matter how successful the weekend was, the mere thought of returning to work evokes stress. Such a condition is called Sunday Depression, or Sunday Night Blues.

When the weekend begins, obviously everyone is looking forward to the days off. However, joy ends on Sunday afternoon. We begin to think about the coming week, work, school and all the difficulties then.

Such a condition is called Sunday Depression (Sunday Night Blues). It’s the anxiety we feel before Monday's duties. There are many reasons for this condition. Most of them are related to anxiety. These include:

  • overwork, excess responsibilities and lack of time to perform them,
  • stressful atmosphere at work, bad relations with the supervisor or co-workers;
  • professional burnout,
  • lack of time for rest and regain strength
  • a tendency to imagine that things can go wrong,
  • fear of failure and of being judged by others,
  • excessive self-criticism.

Symptoms of Sunday Night Blues

Sunday Depression is not an officially recognized disease, so it is difficult to ascertain specific symptoms. People who suspect that they suffer from Sunday Night Blues have been noted to feel anxiety and increased tension.

Such people worry and stress and therefore are unable to rest up and unwind. There might even be somatic symptoms:

  • problems with sleep,
  • headache,
  • nausea,
  • diarrhoea,
  • trembling and sweating hands,
  • rapid breathing.

What can be done to avoid Sunday Night Blues?

Psychologists and therapists advise to break the pattern in the first place. That may include doing something together with our family or developing a passion that we have neglected. It is important to make Sunday a different and pleasant day.

It is important to find a work-life balance. We should focus on work during the week, and then at the weekend we should take a break and relax.

It is also important to take care of sleep when we wish to reduce stress before Monday. Experts recommend drinking herbal infusion of lemon balm, chamomile or valerian before going to bed. Warm milk with honey, a favourite book or breathing exercises can also come in handy.

Are you stressed out before Monday?


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