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Model talks about her grandmother's euthanasia on TikTok: "everyone should have a choice"

Model talks about her grandmother's euthanasia on TikTok: "everyone should have a choice"

Image source: © TikTok
Anna RusakAnna Rusak,25.05.2023 17:02

The Victoria's Secret model posted a series of TikTok videos about her grandmother's euthanasia. Why did she choose to talk about this process there, and why does she believe that everyone should be able to decide how they end their lives?

Ali Tate Cutler is a Victoria's Secret model from Texas. Besides fashion, she is also interested in mental health and body positivity, which she often talks about on TikTok. Now she has decided to use the platform to talk about a difficult personal experience.

The model's profile featured footage of her grandmother who chose to be euthanised. In a series of tiktoks, the two women talk about the process and explain why everyone should have this kind of choice.

Tiktoker talks about her grandmother's euthanasia

"Bubbie" - as the model calls her grandmother in the recordings - is 85 years old and lives in Canada, where euthanasia is legal for those over the age of 18. Bubbie chose to die with medical assistance when she was diagnosed with terminal cancer.

The model decided to document her last few days spent with her sick grandmother. The tiktok, in which Cutler dresses for one last dinner with Bubbie before her euthanasia, has gone viral and has been viewed by more than 13 million people.

"These last four days have been so hard. I’m trying to stay positive for my Bubbie, but I can’t handle that I’m about to say goodbye forever at the airport tomorrow," the girl mentioned in one of her videos.

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Tiktoker stresses that the whole situation is not easy for her, but she wants to remember every last moment with her grandmother well. Speaking to The Independent, Cutler admitted that her Bubbie has always supported euthanasia and when she heard the diagnosis, she knew this was how she wanted to end her life.

She also talks about her decision in a tiktok, in which she answers questions about euthanasia from internet users. Bubbie admits that the date of the procedure is "the light at the end of a tunnel" for her and explains what the whole process is like.

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Tiktoker on her grandmother's euthanasia

Cutler admits that initially she was not convinced by Bubbie's decision and had doubts. However, once she started to experience the process, she changed her mind. She now believes that everyone should have a choice and be able to decide how they want to leave the world.

"Watching it up close and personal, I would say that I think now people should be given the option, the choice," she explained. "It’s happening whether we like it or not, in many places of the world. So we kind of need to have a dialogue about it," she explains

"For us, it’s about allowing the person to choose on their own terms, how and what they want to do with their body, and how they want to leave the world," she added.

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Why talk about euthanasia on TikTok?

According to Cutler, telling the story of death and euthanasia on TikTok is important. Mainly because, through the platform, she can show a different, less demonic face of the procedure to a bigger audience. With her recordings, the model wants to capture "the beauty of choosing one's own path".

Moreover, the girl believes that death is not talked about enough. Cutler noted that people only talk about their loss after they have lost a loved one. Few people share what she shares, which is the process of loss.

"Usually I see when people go through deaths in a family, they post a photo or a video when their loved one has passed saying, I miss this person, or, I’m really sad right now because of this. And I always thought that was kind of weird and out of order, like, we should be celebrating this person while they’re still here," she said.

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Source: The Independent

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