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What is included in the "guide" sent by the Accept Association

What is included in the "guide" sent by the Accept Association to institutions involved in elections in Romania. DOCUMENT

Image source: © Canva / Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
25.05.2024 00:30

The Accept Association sent a guide to state institutions involved in the voting process regarding interaction with individuals from the LGBTQ+ community.

Representatives of the association talk about transgender individuals and the differences that may arise between their identity documents and their physical appearance.

"In many cases, regarding transgender individuals, the information found in identity documents does not match or does not fully match the person's appearance. Thus, situations may arise where the first names and gender markers differ from how the person presents himself or herself to the world, as a man or a woman. Additionally, there may be differences in the identity card photo, due to the person undergoing medical transition, which progressively affects their physical appearance", the document states.

Given that the right to vote is a constitutional right guaranteed to all Romanian citizens with voting rights, the Accept Association reminds those involved in the electoral process that they have a responsibility to facilitate this right for transgender individuals, respecting fundamental human rights and freedoms, such as the right to privacy, and ensuring they are not subjected to discriminatory or degrading treatment.

"Therefore, we ask you to handle matters concerning these individuals with tact, to protect their right to privacy, to avoid uncomfortable situations or other behaviors that could incite hatred and/or lead to crimes motivated by this, such as harassment, physical and/or verbal assaults", the statement adds.

The official election calendar for 2024 is as follows:

► June 9, 2024 - local elections;

► June 9, 2024 - European Parliament elections;

► September 15 and 29, 2024 - presidential elections;

► December 8, 2024 - parliamentary elections.

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